Phantom & Aroura: Besties in hell

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Why go to sleep when you can write bullshit?

Aurora and Phantom: *chilling at the lava pool*

Aroura: This is the life! A nice hot day at the lava pool. Life couldn't be better!

Phantom: For real. It would be a shame if we just got summoned to Earth, right? *looks over at Aurora*

Aurora: *sips her 'iced' tea and looks back at Phantom* You're right. Luckily, we have 50 more years till that happens! 

Phantom: Mhm.

Phantom: *removes sunglasses* Like, imagine we're just sitting here minding our own business, and we just get SUMMONED into a hard rock band? 

Aurora: Yeah! That would be BAD.

Phantom: I'm the rhythm guitarist and you're the backup vocals? Crazy right?

Aurora: *take another sip* Uber crazy! There like SIX other demons in the band? And there's a like...GAY pope? Unimaginable! 

Satan: *appears in front of them out of thin air* Phantom and Aurora, my demons, you have been summoned to go above. Your fate is now to participate in a homosexual hard rock band that people mistake for metal. *Points at Phantom* You are a rhythm guitarist. *Points at Aurora* You are backup vocals.

Aurora and Phantom: *is in complete shock*

Phantom: *Stands up from beach chair* You're joking! I thought we had time before this-

Satan: HUSH YOUR MOUTH CHILD. You have 10 seconds to sign this 16384902-page paper stating you decline the offer. 

Arorura: That's not enough-

Satan: Less talking and more writing!

Phantom: *looks around frantically* WHERES THE PEN?

Satan: In hell, we do not possess pens. Though, we have crayons. *give pink crayon*

Phantom: I-

Satan: 5....4....

Aurora: WRITE PHANTOM!!! *panics* 

Phantom: *looks for a flat surface to write on*

Satan: 2...



Copia: And these are the new members of the band! *smiles too wide for comfort*

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