Chapter 11

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TW: Panic Attack (mentioned)

When Ian came home he checked his phone. He saw three texts from his friends, making sure he was okay.

Elisa: Hey, are you okay? You don't have to text back if you don't want to talk. I'm kinda worried about you.

Anthony: Hey, man. You good? Text me when you want to talk.

Sophie: Do you want to talk?

He was feeling a bit better when they texted him, but he still felt bad. He could imagine what they were doing while texting him, Elisa pacing the floor while Sophie was trying to calm them down, Anthony having a panic attack, a silent one, but still a panic attack. He decided to text the group.

Ian: I'm okay, I just want to be alone right now.

They all texted, "Okay, thanks for letting us know" and "thank god you're okay" which made him feel better.
He decided to call Helga, his mother. He picked up the phone, ready to call her.

"What are you doing?" Jess said.

"Uh, nothing," Ian said.

"You're not calling Helga, are you?" Jess said.

"Why shouldn't I?" Ian said.

"Because you said that you didn't want to talk to your friends, why would you then talk to her," Jess said.

"I want to know more about our sibling," Ian said.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Ian," Jess said.

"I'm going to do it now, and then ask her not to call us again unless it's an emergency," he said.

"Fine," she said.

He called Helga and to no surprise, she answered.

"Can I learn more about my sibling?" he said

Helga told him about his half-sibling. His dad cheated on her and that girl got pregnant. After she gave birth, he took custody of them. After they came out, he kicked them out and made them live with me. They are about the same age as Ian, only a month older.
He was shocked that his dad cheated on her.
He told Helga not to call again unless of an emergency and she agreed to do that.

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