Chapter 13

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Ian ran home, picked up the phone, and called his mom. She didn't answer. He tried again and nothing. "Maybe she forgot about us. God why did I trust her." he thought. He was about to walk back to Elisa's house when his phone rang.

"Hey man, you okay?" a man's voice said, it was Anthony.

"Yeah, just mom, or, Helga didn't tell me about this," Ian said.

"I told you that it wasn't a good idea," Anthony said.

"Antonio," he heard in the distance.

"Is Elisa stressing over me or are they just mad at you?" he asked.

"They said that it was insensitive of me to say that to you, but it's true," Anthony said. "They just rolled their eyes very weirdly," he heard a loud "ow" from Anthony as Elisa hit him. "You should come back, we can talk about it" Anthony finished saying.

"Yeah, I'll be right there," he said before leaving the house.

After he arrived, he called out to his friends.

"Hey, they're just in my bedroom. I'll be down in a sec," Elisa said, cheerfully. "That's odd, they're never this cheerful." he thought. He walked downstairs and towards the bedroom when he heard Anthony and Sophie talk about Elisa. He only got some of it but it was enough to understand what they were talking about.

"I think Elisa isn't eating enough, I mean they didn't even finish their breakfast," Sophie said.

"Yeah, I know. They haven't been eating lunch, like, at all. I'm very worried," Anthony said. Sophie nods in agreement.

"Hey," Ian said.

"Hey, have you noticed something off with Elisa?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, they were awfully cheerful when I walked in," Ian said. Elisa heard all that and answered.

"That's because of the pills that I'm taking," Elisa explained.

"What pills babe?" Sophie asked.

"My anti-depression pills," they said.

"Why are you taking them?" Anthony asked.

"My therapist recommended it to me," Elisa said. They all looked confused. "What?"

"You're going to a therapist? I thought you're parents didn't allow you," Ian said.

"Well after what happened at that dinner, they said it was best for me to go," Elisa explained.

"That's good," Sophie said, before kissing them. "Weird, Ian didn't say that it was gross. I wonder why?" Elisa thought.

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