Chapter 17

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"I will do it. But you must talk to her first. Explain the plan. I know you. You just left and said you would handle it didn't you. Just like you did when you handled Abraxas Malloy. And the. After my second to last year there you were never to be seen again until I graduated." Newt says.

"Because she won't remember anyway. There is nothing I can do in this situation that would make her feel better. But I can promise this way if you obliviate her I have the chance to make her fall in love with me all over again." I explain. "She will see the ring I propose to her with on her hand and my name on the band with the words I will love you always and forever. But her safety is my priority. As is yours Newt. You are like a son to me. I cannot let you get hurt because of me."

"Fine but you better go propose. And then we will head to Arizona to release frank" Newt says.

"Thank you... for everything." I tell him

"I should be saying that to you" he says. "I almost dropped out because of Abraxas. You put him in his place. It was also kind of funny watching him flinch every time I said your name Professor."

"Oh don't go calling me Professor now Scamander. You called me Y/N all throughout two years of your career at Hogwarts! Don't hit me with respect now," I say joking with him.

"Come along. We better head to New York."  I tell him.

a few hours later outside avengers tower

"You have any metal in that case with your nifflers?" I ask newt.

"That I do. May I ask why?"

"You'll see."

He pulls out his sneakiest niffler and pulls out the golden coins from his pouch.

"Any emeralds?" I ask jokingly

I watch in amazement as he pulls one out of the nifflers pouch

"Thank you" I tell newt.

I put the emerald aside and then work on shaping the coins into a ring with friction made with using super speed in my hands. And then when it's perfect I use magic to smooth and polish the ring and then I set the emerald in the top and secure it tightly. And then grab a needle from my pocket. (Don't question my random pocket items 👀) and used my super speed to engrave the words into the ring with the needle. And then used magic to polish and clean it up again.

"Newt... is there a spell that can protect someone from obliviate?" I ask him.

A/N I don't know I there is but for the sake of the romance there shall be. Don't come at me for this. 😤

"There is. I learned it while in Turkey. Zihni Koru."

"Thank you newt. We do it to the whole team. I know I said I wanted to make her fall in love with me again but. It would hurt too much to watch her forget me and not know everything we've been through."

"I figured. Ask her to turn. I know you don't want to but she may just want you and you saw how much it broke her to lose you now you need to think about how you will be if you lose her." Newt says.

I know what it would feel like. It would kill me. I would try and join her on the other side. I wouldn't survive it. Not without her. But I'm not gonna tell newt that. That's something he would Sic Albus on me for. Albus would smack the shit out of me. And then Albus would tell my family and my family would turn Tasha without her permission. And that is a no go

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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