Chapter 3 - Erik III

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February, 2050

The election was approaching fast, the SPD was leading in the polls and he was tapped to be Vice Chancellor in the government. The day of the election arrived and the results began coming in. The announcer began:

"Hallo, and Willkommen to DW news. We have an election tonight that will decide the future of Germany. For 17 years the SPD has governed the country, will that streak continue?"

He continues watching "We can now project that Lukas Schmidt, the popular War hero from Delta Squad has won election to the Bundestag".

That was good news and his reelection was confirmed too.

The next projection is from the Federal Convention, the group that decides the President. "We can now Project the next Bundespräsident of Germany will be Wilhelm Bernadotte, the former Chancellor. This is the first time since the Weimar Republic that a former Chancellor has become President". He was happy his father won.

The final results came in:

SPD: 320 ✅

CDU/CSU: 197

FDP: 63

Greens: 50

They had continued their streak of winning since 2033 and Absolute Majorities since 2035.

The Chancellor, Lena Fischer was reelected Chancellor. 

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