Chapter 13 - Erik XIII

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July, 2050

Being held was an important cabinet meeting of the cabinet, they bickered

"We should try again in Zimbabwe" said one minister

"It's a waste" said another

Müller said "We should take the fight to India"

That was odd, Erik thought he was the spy.

The meeting continued with more on immigration , the economy, and more issues.

"We should invest in small businesses" said the economic minister


The meeting adjourned and Erik got up. He was leaving when he realized he forgot his laptop, he had to go get it.

He went back and that's when he heard it, the chancellor was on the phone, he started an audio recording in case it was the spy.

"Hello Arun, the plan is going just as you expected soon the west will fall and Germany will be subject to India" said the Chancellor.

He couldn't believe this, he quickly sent the recording to Lukas, his father, and Friedrich with the latter getting a message to meet him later.

He couldn't believe this, he quickly sent the recording to Lukas, his father, and Friedrich with the latter getting a message to meet him later

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