Chapter 8 - Erik VIII

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Erik was calling his brother Friedrich, the phone picked up.

"Hallo, Brother"

"Hallo Erik"

"Have you heard the news?" Asked Erik

"India has been trying to assassinate you" said Friedrich.

"Yeah I'm going to go hide soon, they're sending me to the island of Heligoland"

"That's where the National anthem was written wasn't it" said Friedrich


"I promise I'll protect you, I'll keep you alive" said Friedrich.

Erik hung up after saying goodbye.

Erik was in the library, he entered the archive to see if he could find anything. Then he noticed it, it was a large green book with writing in Russian on it, now Erik could read Russian. He learned during the war and the title of the book was "Книга тайных пророчеств Григория Распутина". It translated to "Book of Arcane Prophecies by Grigori Rasputin". Now Erik wasn't superstitious, he believed Rasputin was a fraud. That's what he was taught in school. But a part of him told him there was no harm in reading, he could make fun of it after all.

Erik was surprised when he began reading, their were prophecies about the fall of the Tsar, the October Revolution, World War II, the first Cold War, the fall of The Berlin Wall, World War III and more. It surprised him that Rasputin was really who he claimed to be. Rasputin's predictions were accurate. Then he stumbled across a section called the "Great German Prophecy", it read:

"A cast down prince shall rule a different land,

And rule it with a fair hand,

At the end of his rule all is good but it shall not stay this way for good,

An evil spy shall rise the ranks and leave a traitorous wake,

The spy shall be entangled in their own intrigue, a hero shall rise to victory,

An oath shall be kept with a final breath,

A war shall be won without a death."

The prophecy was clearly about them, the cast down prince was his father and he could only assume the spy was Müller. He got concerned by the line "An oath shall be kept with a final breath". He could only assume that that meant, he was going to die as he swore to protect Germany. 


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