Chapter 7- Deborah VII

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April, 2050

Deborah Garner decided to stay in Germany even after her father had left, the reason being that Lukas Schmidt, her crush,had taken an interest to her. She was on a date with him now, they were at a restaurant. She knew he fought in the war so she decided to ask about it.

"What was it like in the War?"

"Brutal" responded Lukas and he continued "I lost many good friends in that war".

"Did you make any friends that stayed alive?"

"Yes, Yuriy Ivanov, I keep in touch regularly. He knows your father by the way" said Lukas

"His mother was the Ukrainian Ambassador right?"

"Ja!" said Lukas

"You fought in Many major battles like the Battles for Moscow and Beijing, was it hard to capture these cities?"

"Of course" said Lukas, "The enemy defended their capitals to their final breath"

She loved Lukas, he was so sweet although he seemed traumatized.

She went back to Lukas' apartment, and Lukas dozed off.

That was when he begin twitching in his sleep and began screaming "No Max! No!" and began crying. She woke him up.

"what was going on?"

"I had a nightmare" he said

"That's an understatement, you obviously suffer from PTSD"

"I just remembered something" he said.

"Who's max?"

"Max, was a friend of mine. He died at the battle of Volgograd." Lukas answered

"I'm so sorry for your loss"

"Me too, I could of saved him probably" said Lukas

"No you had to save the city from the Wagner group, everybody in the city including Max would have died" 

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