Chapter 49

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Tsukauchi Pov: (Wow new person)

I was going about my day as usual in the police station looking over case report and witness testimonies for the stain case when I hear the voice of someone familiar "...I have some information for him". I missed the first half of the conversation but that voice is unmistakably... "Hey Tsukauchi got a minute?" yep just as I suspected Aizawa. "Yep. Come on in want a coffee or anything?" "I normally would say yes but I have to go back to patrol after this." "Alright so what can I help you with". "Are there any reports of a secret hideout of criminals? And do any of them include the name Overhaul?" "Hmmmmm...." I start searching through the database looking for any reports and I see one "Yes there is talk of an illegal drug ring with the leader being Overhaul. Real name Kai Chisaki." "Is there any documents saying anything along the lines of a child being with him. Witness reports or him having custody over a child" "Ummmm... From reports I'm seeing no. Did you hear something different?" I asked Aizawa curious about his sudden interest. "Yea some guy used his quirk to somehow talk to me not sure how, but he said that a man named Overhaul was doing illegal experimentation using the blood of this child. I need to check with the HPSC first to see if he was doing something illegal or not *sigh* this is going to be a long night." HPSC? "Why do you need to check with the HPSC?" "Kid said he was with them or something anyways I've gotta get back to patrol see you later Tsukauchi" he says leaving not even waiting to hear my response. I look back at the Overhaul file and realise that Sir Nighteye has requested this file for further investigation. Perhaps this information could be helpful to Aizawa. I'll text him tomorrow since he's on patrol the rest of the night.

Time Skip (Tomorrow Morning)

 It's the next morning and I can hear my alarm going off in my bedroom. I guess I fell asleep on my couch after reviewing the hero killer case file. Oh well I go to my room and shut off my alarm. I grab my phone and text Aizawa.


Hey thought I should let you know but Sir Nighteye requested the Overhaul file so he might have more information if you need it.


Alright I'll stop by after teaching thanks

Alright now that that's done I should eat. I think as I head to the kitchen when I feel a buzz from my phone a text.


Also can you come to UA today to ask Ranboo some more questions. Phil said he talked a little more yesterday so maybe if you stop by more he'll get more comfortable around you and talk?


Yea sure I'll let my co-workers know and head over be there for lunch that alright?


Yep see you then.

I start making toast for breakfast while thinking over the hero killer case. He killed 17 heroes and left 24 unable to recover. Why were 17 killed? Why were 24 left with injuries to the point they couldn't do hero work anymore? How is he able to get the jump on so many heroes? So many questions so little answers.

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