XL. I Fulfill The Prophecies

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Alternative Chapter Titles: Enter The Monster King, Part III; Defending Everyone From A Horde Of Monsters (Again..), Part Two; I Take On Kronos' Entire Army (yes literally), Part Two; The Beast Of Camp Half Blood Returns (Aka I Go On A Killing Spree), Part Two; I Become The Sniper Of Olympus

(A/N: Very long note before the start of the chapter. Bear with me here. And yes, this is it. The finale to Colton Reynolds' original prophecy, the one that brought him and Kayla together.

First off, yes.. a lot of alternative chapter titles, again.

Of all the things you expected to see in this fanfic, probably seeing Kronos a bit earlier than planned and then having Koios and Pallas becoming the new villains in the Last Olympian - even if only for a short time - was probably not one of them. There's a reason why I was going to have Pallas as the main villain in my scrapped idea of an author self-insert fanfic (the self insert fanfic I'm doing now is just the second version).. and it directly comes from Askinar-The-Dark's fanfic "Demigod?".

I always thought having a bigger role for Koios - being the Titan dispatched by Kronos to prevent Kronos' Demi-Titan son Fayden Thatch from being the one to foil Kronos' plans during the Battle Of Manhattan, only to end up being killed and sent back to Tartarus and becoming the reason Fayden and Thalia Grace finally admit their feelings for each other - was really cool.. so in the original idea, I was going to do the same for Pallas.. have him be a villain that while his defeat would be vital to Percy's success in completing the Great Prophecy and defeating Kronos, the battle between him and me would be of a kind that no one else - except those relevant to the sub-great prophecy (yes, prophecy within a great prophecy) - would be able to interfere in.

The final fight in that fanfic - me against Pallas - would have involved me, Kelli, Luke, Asterios, and Michael having to cross Central Park to get to Pallas waiting on the other side, except they  would not only have to deal with monsters, but also bullets - lots of bullets that basically turn Central Park into a hellhole of gunfire.. meaning that the five fated to complete the prophecy would basically have to claw their way (figuratively speaking and maybe a little bit literally) through Central Park to reach him.

In a sense, the final fight in the Battle of Manhattan in this fanfic - Colton as the Monster King vs. both Pallas and Koios - is my way of honoring both ideas.

It would also make perfect sense as to why the final Titan antagonists would be these two. It is actually implied that Koios was an excellent swordsman (Askinar in their fanfic has him as the greatest Swordsman of the Titans) and he is the only Titan that was never mentioned or appeared at all in the original series, despite his descendants being very important in the original series (and in Trials Of Apollo).

Pallas is the Titan of Warcraft and Battle, as well as a Titan that even less is written about him. My original vision for him was to be a bit of a sorcerer, able to shift the tides of battle.. and being a Titan, skew it in such a way that despite Percy's efforts, Kronos would win in the end - at least in the original version of the author self-insert fanfic. So since he is a Titan God of Battle, I find it fitting that he gets to be in his natural element in the final part of the Battle Of Manhattan, even if his opponent (along with Koios') just so happens to be the Monster King himself. So buddy, hope you're proud of getting some more time in a fanfic, even if only for a short time.

Given those reasons, it would make sense to have these two to be the stronger Titans basically to have to fight a battle like this - and by this, I mean what takes place throughout most of this chapter.

I will admit, writing this was fun for another reason. Most often, it's always one Titan against demigods. So.. I figure.. why not up the ante and do a fight scene pitting the Monster King in his very first fight against deities - and TWO Titans at that for once in a PJO fanfic - for the express purpose of demonstrating just how much on another level this guy is?

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