Chapter 2

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Gyadamn this quest is actually hard, I mean atleast for me since I'm weak as hell. I gotta endure this just a little bit more to finish my quest.

Y/N: ' Quest '

[ Main Quest
10/10 Push ups
19/20 Sits up
20/20 Curl ups
50/50 Jumping jacks
1/1Km Sprint]

[ Rewards:
-Perfect Copy
+5 Strength
+7 Stamina
+6 Agility
+2 Charisma]

Well just one more and here I come my rewards. I got to position to do my last sit up, and after I got it, the system popped up in front of me, even though I'm tired as hell I have to look this up.

[ Main Quest Completed ]

[ Calculating Rewards.... ]

[ Rewards:
-Perfect Copy
+5 Strength
+7 Stamina
+6 Agility
+2 Charisma] [ Accept Rewards]

Sweet! As I was about to click the option to accept my rewards some glitch text has started to pop up. And the screen appeared again, now I guess its fixed? What was that? Anyway lets take a look now

[ Rewards:
-Perfect Copy
-Super Reflexes ( Additional Reward)
+5 Strength (+1)
+7 Stamina (+1)
+6 Agility (+1)
+2 Charisma (multiply to 3)] [ Accept Rewards]

WHOA! what happened? Why does the rewards suddenly have addition to them, maybe I should ask the system about it.

Y/N: Hey, System

[ Yes?]

Y/N: What happened to the rewards? Why did I got additional rewards, not that I'm complaining.

[ Apparently your luck has influenced the system that caused you to have additional rewards ]

Well thats good to know, maybe my luck could give me something good or bad, idk since my stats on luck is pretty much unknown to me, I tried asking the system earlier but the system didn't answer. Well first off I'm Gonna collect these rewards hehe.

Y/N: ' Status '

[Sung Y/N Age: 18
Strength: 6
Agility: 7
Charisma: 6
Stamina: 6

Skills: -Copy, -Perfect Copy, Super Reflexes]

Hm I don't feel any different, is this system even true? I walked to the bathroom to look in to the mirror, as I walked to the mirror I noticed that my arm got a little bigger, and my pimples also has lessen.

Y/N: WHOA! wtf? the affects of the stats are fast as hell, is it just me or did I also got a little taller? but damn I kinda look good now hehe.

Y/N: Oh yeah the skills, ' Status '

I clicked on the skill copy and it showed me what is the used of this skill and I clicked the other 2 as well.


be able to copy a skill of a creature, but you won't be able to pick what skill you want to copy from that creature (it only works on living creatures) ]

[Perfect Copy

be able to copy the skills and status of Someone, but it takes a toll on your stamina it depends on how long you used the skill]

[Super Reflexes (Passive Skill)

fast reaction time and sixth sense]

Hmm this skills aren't so bad, especially the perfect copy one and super reflexes, those could be useful. Imma try experimenting them now, let's try the super reflexes first it says here sixth sense and fast reaction time. I blindfolded my self and throw a small ball in the air hoping to catch it, something in my brain says that I will be able to catch the ball here. And apparently it works! that was so cool!!

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