Chapter 5

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As Soyeon hurriedly led the IVE members and other idols to safety with the help of the staffs, I focused on my quest to locate and disarm the bombs scattered throughout the stadium. The urgency of the situation intensified, and every passing second brought the threat closer to reality.

[System Message: Time Remaining - 10 minutes]

The holographic display showed a countdown, emphasizing the critical nature of the mission. I began navigating the backstage area, searching for any signs of suspicious activity or hidden explosives.

[System Message: Detect Hidden Objects Activated]

The system's assistance became invaluable as it highlighted potential threats within my vicinity. I moved swiftly, blending into the chaotic atmosphere of the evacuation, ensuring not to draw unnecessary attention to myself.

[System Message: Hidden Bomb Detected - Location: VIP Lounge]

The sudden revelation directed my attention to the VIP Lounge. With determination, I made my way through the crowded hallways, dodging panicked spectators and staff members. As I reached the entrance of the lounge, a group of 4 individuals wearing masks and suspiciously placing a box in the Lounge. They are probably going to be pain in the ass to deal with, but I have no time to waste.

Y/N: (whispering to the system) Threat identified. Possible bomb location.

[System Message: Threat Analysis - Masked Individuals

Unknown Strength, Unknown Speed, Potential Threat Level: Unknown]

Masked guy 1: Hey you three, beat him will you?

Masked guy 2: *sigh* Making us do the work again.

Masked guy 3: sorry kid, but you're gonna have to die now.

Y/N: We're gonna see who's gonna die.

Masked guy 4: Hah! look at this cocky kid.

As all three come at me with different strikes trying to hit me, I dodge the first two, but due to the tiredness I build up from the last fight I was to late to dodge the last strike and landed straight to my face. The problem is the one who hit me, his body is big and bulky which caused his strike to made me go flying across the lounge. As I rested on the wall I flew caused of the strong punch and the three of the masked guys slowly walking towards me.

[System Message: You loss a lot of blood.]

[System Message: Taking a break is recommended.]

Y/N* I can't.

[System Message: ...]

[System Message: How come?]

[System Message: You could easily escape without having to fight this.]

Y/N* I can't. If I run away now, then everything I worked for would be meaningless. If I run away now, everyone would be in danger, including my new friends.

[System Message: ...]

[System Message: V̷̠̳̯̥̮̦̼̺̙̰̦̙͇̿̈̐̐̚͝ͅͅȇ̸̺͕͗̓̏͊͊̅̆͊́͗̍͌͝͝r̸̡̾̒̊͆̊́͝y̶̧̧̠̖͓͉̒́̆͗͑͒͑ ̸̝̘͆͗͛̓̈́́͗̾̅̉w̵͍̖͇̋̒́̏̌̆̉͒̾͝ẽ̴͓̄̈́̚ͅl̶̜̝̠̼̳̮̅̂̈́̑̿́̈́l̶͎͙̖͇̻̥̟̘̲̱͗̃́ͅ]

Masked Guy 2: well goodbye then kid.

As the masked guy tried to do a hard kick straight to my face, the world.... Stopped again. The time has stopped again, its almost like where I gain the system's power. The surreal sensation enveloped me as I found myself in an unfamiliar environment-clear water below, a vast sky above. A mysterious figure, shrouded in darkness, appeared. I saw someone, or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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