Chapter 16: The Second Task

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Apparently, spells for breathing underwater weren't as common as he thought they were. Of course they weren't, because that would've made Percy's life easy. We can't have that, now, can we?

So maybe Percy wasted his time a little, and maybe he should've tried solving the Egg clue earlier, but he needed a break. This way, he had a bit of time to relax. He would've been stressing about the whole breathing-underwater thing a lot more, which he really didn't need.

of course, he would never admit to Hermione that she was right—she would probably give him an I-told-you-so look with a smug smile plastered across her face. But speaking of Hermione, he hadn't seen her since a few hours ago. Ron nor Draco had appeared either, too. All three of them had promised to come help him research for the task in the library, but obviously, they weren't there. Percy was starting to panic. Like, the rational panic that he had every right to feel now that he was only hours away from what would probably be his doom. That might be a bit dramatic, but that was exactly how Percy felt at the moment.

He must've drifted off at some point, because the next thing he knew, rays of sunlight were beaming at him through the windows. His heart nearly jumped out of his throat when he realised the task was beginning soon, if it hadn't even started yet. It might've even ended. Oh, Gods. He still had nothing to help him with the task, and he was probably going to lose that thing he'd sorely miss. This sucks on so many levels.

He was debating whether or not he should run away for the umpteenth time, then he remembered Nico's words.

'Percy, I need you to stay put. Harry's trying to remember where exactly Hogwarts is. As soon as he does, I'm coming for you.'

He was hoping maybe Nico would burst in with Harry, and rescue him. But, alas, that was just a dream that was not gonna happen with Percy's luck. He stood up, trying to think of a way he could tell Dumbledor he couldn't do the task when all of a sudden: "Harry!"

He turned to the voice he recognised as Neville Longbottom's. "Hey, Neville," Percy said miserably.

"Harry, Ron told me you still didn't have a way to complete the task," Neville said, stuffing his hand in his pocket. "I remembered something I read in my Herbology book–"

"Listen, Neville, I'm sure that's interesting, but I kinda have a crisis right now," Percy said, rubbing his temples, trying to think of a last-minute idea to save him. Obviously, none came, but it was worth the try, right?

"Yeah, that's why I'm here!" Neville said, producing a weird ball of...something green. "It's Gillyweed!"


"If you eat it, it'll grant you an hour of underwater breathing," Neville informed, getting Percy's attention.

"Wait, really?" Percy said excitedly. "You sure it'll work?"

"Uh, about, ninety-five percent," Neville admitted. Percy's face spread into a smile.

"Ninety-five works for me," Percy grinned. "Thanks, Neville. I owe you one, you're a lifesaver!"

Before Neville could say anything, Percy sprinted out of the room. He needed to get to the lake on time—well, he didn't know the time, but he guessed he was probably late.

He finally made it, and, thank everything that is holy, they hadn't started yet. Percy slowed his sprints into jogs, finally able to breathe normally.

He had to swiftly change into some swimming shorts and a jersey, which were obviously red. He hid the Gillyweed in his short's pocket and made his way out of the changing room. His eyes scanned the crowd, trying to spot any of his friends. He might've seen Ron, but he couldn't really be sure as at that moment, Bagman started his opening sentence thing or whatever, and he had to take his post beside the other Champions. Cedric waved, and Percy waved back, trying to give him a thankful look. Cedric probably didn't notice, but it's the thought that counts.

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