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Midway through the movie, Mina sensed a gentle weight on her shoulder. Turning her gaze to the side, she discovered Chaeyoung peacefully slumbering, her mouth slightly agape, and her head comfortably nestled on Mina's shoulder. The serene image prompted Mina to cherish the quiet intimacy of the moment.

In a moment of unspoken tenderness, Mina found herself inexplicably drawn to Chaeyoung's vulnerability. With a soft touch, she pressed a gentle kiss on Chaeyoung's head, a gesture that spoke volumes of the emotions stirring within her.

"Thank you for saving me, Miss Son." She whispered.

The gentle rhythm of Chaeyoung's peaceful sleep provided a comforting backdrop and Mina succumbed to the weariness that clung to her. With a grateful heart, she allowed the solace of sleep to envelop her, providing a respite from the tumultuous events they both endured.

After a while, the soft murmur of unfamiliar sounds stirred Chaeyoung from her slumber. As she opened her eyes, her gaze was drawn to the sight of Mina, peacefully asleep beside her.

Chaeyoung couldn't help but admire Mina's features up close. The way her moles created a unique constellation on her face, leading Chaeyoung's gaze to linger on her lips, was both intriguing and mesmerizing.

"You know it's rude to stare at someone while they're asleep right?" A voice interrupted.

"Oh fuck!" Chaeyoung jolted, holding her chest. She quickly looked at Mina and was relieved to see her still asleep. "Yah! Jeong! Why do you have to scare me like that?"

"You two looked cute together." Dahyun added. "I took a picture come look!"

Carefully, Chaeyoung got off the bed. For a moment she panicked as Mina stirred slightly while she tucked her in, but thank goodness, Mina remained in the sweet embrace of her sleep.

"What are you guys doing here?" Chaeyoung asked walking towards the couch where her friends are. "It's not even morning yet."

"You're the one who messaged us?" Jeongyeon raised her brow. "What happened to you anyway? And who is she?"

"Yeah who is she? She looks like a fairy." Dahyun commented, staring back at Mina. "At first I thought she's not real but then I heard her snore a little and I was like oh yeah, she is real."

"She snored?" Chaeyoung asked amused. "I need to hear that again then."

"So.. what have you done?" Jeongyeon pressed. She was shocked to learn her friend is in a hospital and despite Chaeyoung feeling a lot better now, Jeongyeon can't shake her worry away. "Who did this?"

Just before  Chaeyoung could answer Jeongyeon's interrogation, the door suddenly opened.

"Chaeyoungie?!" Jihyo called so loud everyone thought she has microphone on her. "Ohhhh. What happened to you?"

Jihyo ran towards Chaeyoung and inspected her like a criminal. Why is she being treated like one? "What happened to you?"

Looking past Jihyo's shoulder, Chaeyoung saw Nayeon, Momo, and Sana.

"What the? Why are you guys here?" Chaeyoung asked confused.

"Chaengieee! What happened?" Sana added to the piled up inquiries.

"Who did this to you?" Momo joined in. "Should I call my dad?"

"What?! Why would you call your dad?" More confused, Chaeyoung asked. "And why is everyone shouting?! Can you please guys keep it low?"

Somehow it amazed her that Mina is still deep in her slumber. If she only knew what made Mina so tired.

Momo, Sana, Jihyo and Nayeon then followed Chaeyoung's gaze and did not expect to see their colleague sleeping on the bed.

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