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As Chaeyoung settled onto her bed, the familiar comfort enveloped her weary body. Yet, despite the softness of her apartment mattress and the familiarity of her surroundings, there was an undeniable feeling of emptiness. The hospital bed, though not as luxurious, held a warmth and sense of security that seemed absent in her own bed.

She couldn't shake the feeling of incompleteness, a nagging sensation that lingered as she lay there, surrounded by the comforts of home. It was as if a piece of her was still back in the hospital room, where she had found unexpected solace in the midst of chaos.

Chaeyoung sighed, closing her eyes and willing herself to find peace in her familiar surroundings. But deep down, she couldn't shake the longing for that warmth, that sense of belonging she had found in her hospital bed.

As Chaeyoung turned on her side, the realization dawned on her with a sudden clarity. It wasn't just the physical warmth she missed; it was the presence of Mina that her big bed lacked. In the hospital room, Mina's companionship had brought a unique warmth and comfort that she now found herself yearning for.

The memory of Mina's gentle smile, her reassuring touch, and the way they had shared moments of laughter amidst the chaos flooded Chaeyoung's mind. It was in those moments that she had felt truly at ease, as if everything would be okay as long as Mina was by her side.

With a sigh, Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for Mina's presence. She knew then that her bed would never feel truly complete without the warmth of Mina's company, and she silently hoped for the day when they could share such moments again.

"Ugh. What's wrong with me?" Chaeyoung attempted to rationalize her feelings, attributing her longing for Mina's company to a general sense of missing her friends. She reasoned that perhaps it was the absence of their collective camaraderie that she craved, rather than Mina's presence specifically.

Yet, deep down, Chaeyoung knew that her feelings ran deeper than mere nostalgia for friendship. There was something about Mina's presence that resonated with her on a profound level, something that went beyond the simple bonds of friendship. As much as she tried to convince herself otherwise, she couldn't shake the feeling that her longing was directed towards Mina herself.

Frustrated with her own thoughts, Chaeyoung buried her face in her pillow, hoping to drown out the confusion and uncertainty swirling within her mind. But no matter how hard she tried to deny it, the truth remained stubbornly clear: she missed Mina, in a way that went beyond mere friendship.

Chaeyoung dialed Jeongyeon's number, hoping her friend could provide a much-needed distraction from her swirling thoughts. As she waited for the call to connect, Chaeyoung couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt for seeking solace in her friends' company when her thoughts kept drifting back to Mina.

When Jeongyeon answered the call, Chaeyoung wasted no time in explaining her request. "Hey, Jeong. Can you come over to my place? Maybe drag Dahyunie too." She said, her voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

Jeongyeon, ever the understanding friend, immediately agreed. "Sure. Is everything okay, Chaeng? I'll be there right away," she replied, her tone filled with concern.

Feeling a sense of relief wash over her, Chaeyoung thanked Jeongyeon before ending the call. With her friend's impending arrival, she hoped that the distraction would help ease the turmoil in her mind, even if just for a little while.

"What's up?" Jeongyeon greeted with a warm smile as Chaeyoung swung open her apartment door.

"We brought food!" Dahyun chimed in, stepping out from behind Jeongyeon with a bright smile, a bag of takeout in her hands.

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