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"heyy babyboy.." bisik Desmond di telinga Zade buatkan Zade tersenyum geli. Dia tolak Desmond dngn gelengan. Tidak selesa dipnggi sebgitu.

Desmond tertawa kecil lalu dia duduk di samping Zade. Tngnnya terus mendarat ke paha Zade dngn snyuman senang.

"I miss you.." bisik Desmond lg. Zade angguk shj tidak ingin merespon. Malas.

Mood dia tk brp elok sikit sbb dia sibuk fikir siapa gerangan di sebalik sebuah group baharu bernama 'Lightdarkest' itu.

Tk pernah selama 20 tahun dia di dunia kongsi gelap , inilah kali pertama dia mendngar nama group trsebut.


"Hey..you seems off today..whats wrong mhm?" Soal Desmond cpt menangkap segala reaksi dan layanan Zade itu. Either dingin or clingy..

Dia thu.


"So nothing bothers you? Mhm?" Sarkastik Desmond smbil meneguk segelas wine itu tenang. Zade memandng Desmond seketika kemudian dia keluarkan rokoknya.

"Can you promise me something doc?"

"What is it babyboy?"

"Stop calling me with that..Desmond. im fucking 40."

"So? Is there anything wrong with it?" Usik Desmond smbil memeluk Zade dri tepi. Zade jeling Desmond rimas. Dia nyalakan rokoknya tenang kemudian sengaja dia hembus asap trsebut ke wajah Desmond.

Desmond cuma pasrah shj memndngkan dia bukanlah perokok mcm Zade. Dia cuma merokok bila stres.

"What is it Zade? Sound serious."

"Have you ever heard about 'LightDarkest?'"

"Pft- what is that? Some kind of bands?"

"Dio told me that..theyre the one who burnt down my place few weeks ago.."

Desmond terngkat kening curious.

"No..never heard of them..is there any information? Mhm interesting!"

"Not yet..seems like its a new group formed by someone that might powerful enough to take my place."

"Oh dear..are you scared that person will take ur place?"

Zade geleng tenang.

"Thats not the problem."


Zade mengeluh berat kemudian dia sedut asap rokok itu dngn dalam.

"If they found out about us..they might get you."

Mendngar itu , Desmond tersenyum riang. Tngnnya mengelus pipi Zade dngn sengihan malu.

"You worry about me..babyboy?"

"Stop calling me with that."

"Haha..im pretty sure i'll be safe."

"Desmond..we still dont know who they truly are..for now i will send a bodyguard to take care of you. Especially when im far away."

Desmond makin gembira mendngar itu. Tngnnya mulai merayap ke butng baju kemeja Zade. Dibuka satu persatu ingin mengusik lelaki itu.

"Such a caring boyfriend you are babe..so hot."

"Im fucking serious right now Desmond. Cant you atleast take it serious?"

"I am..okay..fine..as long as the bodyguard doesnt make me looks like im a serial killer..well..i dont mind."

Zade membuat roll eyes malas lalu dia bngkit dri situ dan keluar meninggalkan Desmond yg msih angau dngn Zade.

Dia bersandar pada sofa empuk itu dngn tawa seronok.

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