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"do you want to hold hands?"

"What..? Seriously?"

Zade hulur tngnnya pada Desmond lalu Desmond mencapai tngn Zade.

Mereka berdua berjalan masuk ke dlm rumah agam bertemakan royal itu berdebar. Sejuk dan berpeluh tngn Desmond cuba mengawal nervousnya.

Dari jauh , dia dpt melihat sebuah keluarga besar seakan menunggu kehadiran mereka di ruangan ball room itu.

Siapa sebenarnya keluarga Zade ni?

"THERE YOU ARE ZADE!!" Cousin Zade td trus menyambut kedatangan mereka.

"They've been waiting for you. Come!"

"Are you good sweetie?"

"Uhh..yea..yea..oh wait..let me.." Desmond tarik nafas dngn dalam. Janganlah panic attack kt sini. Nazak stgi.

Zade kucup tngn Desmond berusaha menenangkan lelaki itu. Thu yg Desmond rasa mcm nk pitam skrng ni.

"Just let me answer it all for you. No need to answer."

"Okay..okay..lets go."

Mereka berdua laju sahaja melangkah untuk bertemu dngn ahli keluarga Zade.

"Welcome home , Zade. Its been years huh?"

"Yea..it is. Seems like nothing has changed since i left."

"It is..so how are you? I heard that your legacy is on downhill now?"

"I can take care of it by myself..and yes im good." Tenang sahaja jawapan Zade saat disoal oleh ayahnya. Well all of them know mcm mana prngai Zade. Beku tk berperasaan.

"Whos that guy beside you? Is he your lover?" Soal salah seorng auntie Zade. Matanya sudah tenung atas bawah Desmond.

"My future husband. Desmond Juvien."

"Hes not russian?"

"Hes from Australia."

"So he cant speak russian?"

"No..he cant."

"Pft! So funny! Amongst in this family , we will never choose an outsider to be our family! we are royal blood Zade! And youre the only child of Marine and Zavich! You cant just disappointed them like that! Bebel si unclenya yg mmg suka menyelit dan mencari salah Zade.

Desmond tunduk mmg stu patah dia tk faham apa yg diorng ckp. Lepasni dia kena prepare ckp bahasa Zade lah. Ni orng tngh talk shit psal dia un dia tktau.

"This family is already big..well.. arent you already 50? Oh god..thats embarassing..you still doesnt have any child and the audacity to call me a disappointment? You are nothing compare to me. What you can do? Wasting all the wealthy while being a fat ass old man?"


semua auto tertunduk awkward dan ada yg dah tergelak seronok tngok Zade bantai unclenya. Si uncle tu terus pndng arah lain kesal juga.

"Before you want to complain about my choices , you should mirror yourself. Be self conscious okay?" Ujar Zade dngn snyuman manis. Desmond pndng Zade blur. Kenapa smua snyap? Apa yg Zade bebelkan td?

"What are they saying to us?"

"Nothing. Dont have to worry."

"No..i am very worried right now.. they dislike me?"

"My uncle only. But my parents are fine..here.." Zade suapkan cinnamon roll itu ke dlm mulut Desmond. Desmond tertunduk dngn perasaan bersalah.

"Mesti dia complain psal kita kan? He probably asked why did you choose a man over a woman..right?"

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