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Dio menghulurkan ipad trsebut pada tuannya sementara dia cuba butakan mata dngn keadaan bilik yg bersepah itu. For the firstime , dia tngok tuannya semiserable ini.

"Seems like theres another place that involved with them..do you want me to go there and investigate it by myself?"

"I'll go with you-"

"Dont go. Stay." Potong Desmond yg msih trpejam matanya. Telinganya sahaja yg cekap mendngar perbualan mereka.

"Get out from here. Dont you have a job?!" Halau Zade dngn hati yg msih marah tentng hal semalam. Ganas sngt we rasa mcm terkoyak pun ada.

"I do..have a 'job'." Balas Desmond dngn snyuman sinis.

"AH-FUCK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Zade katup mulutnya yg spontan itu tatkala merasakan tngn sejuk Desmond mulai mengusap dicknya disebalik selimut.

Dio sudah telan air liurnya tk thu nk react apa.

"Get out now." Arah Zade seraya memberikan kembali ipad itu. Laju Dio berlalu dngn debar di dada. Fuh gila sungguh.

Zade menolak tngn lalu dia bangkit dri situ. Desmond menarik pinggng Zade dngn kuat hingga Zade kembali terduduk di sampingnya.

"Where are you going huh? We're not done yet."

"Fu..fuck..you..my body hurts so bad..its all bcs of you.."

"Let me heal you..im a doctor.."

Kaki Zade dibuka luas lalu kedua belah tngan Desmond meraba bahagian trsebut suka. Zade tidak menolak. Kalau tolak un , Desmond tetap tkkan berhenti.


"Youre still wet with my cums huh? Goodboy..you know how to keep my seeds carefully."

"Ahh..hahh..its still painful."

"Im trying to make it more comfortable babe..lay on me.." Desmond lekas bangun lalu Zade bersandar pada Desmond. Membiarkan lelaki itu menyentuh dan menggunakan tubuhnya. Well..hes a sucker for Desmond.

"Youre hot..Zade..so fucking hot."


Desmond mencium leher dan bahu Zade dri belakang. Zade memejamkan matanya enak diperlakukan sebegini. Bottom princess fr.

"You good?" Soal Dio smbil berdehem awkward. Zade tarik nafas dngn dlm kemudian dia berbaring ke sofa dngn badan yg lenguh.

"Such an animal."

Dio cuba tahan gelak dia. Zade jeling Dio tajam tahu shj yg Dio hampir trgelak.

"Dont tell anybody about this."

"Well..i wont..unless you can keep your voices lower next time."

"Was i too loud?"

"Yea..i thought you got shot again.." cerita Dio smbil tersengih. Zade cuma menangguk smbil memicit dahinya penat.

"Any update?"

"Oh! Yeah! I sent few people to just yk..spying around the restaurant and look what we got." Dio segera keluarkan telefonnya lalu diberikan pada Zade.

"Seems like hes an important person..but we still dont know who he is..i will tell you the detail soon. One of the worker said , hes the owner of the restaurant and hes rich too..maybe he knows something?"

"I see..well done Dio.this is why i trust you more than anyone else."

"More than doctor Desmond?"

Zade tatap Dio lama kemudian dia angguk.

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