5. The Drowned Ones

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Darius had given Enara much to ponder while she readied herself in her temporary chambers. She didn't know what to do at first, after he'd left her alone there.

She'd let her fingertips wander over the delicate finery on the vanity, in awe over the gorgeous jeweled combs, polished wooden hair pins, the little glass vials filled with wonderful aromas. One smelled like the lavender flowers she used to dry, another like wild mountain berries she used to pick.

She'd run every moment over in her head. Every moment since she arrived at this strange place. Every word Darius had said to her, and she to him. 

She wondered how many more Gods lived within these walls... Enara tried to quiet her thoughts as she slipped out of her makeshift clothes. The leaves and threads of grass fell to the floor around her feet.

She gratefully eyed the array of folded garments laid out on the bed. She'd be decently covered in whatever she wore next; wrapped in fine linen, or perhaps a luxurious silk.

Enara peered around the wide room, spotting the stairs near the farthest wall. She could see bits of moss growing on the stones there, hinting at the wealth of moisture below. The springs.

A chill ran down her spine as she remembered some of Darius' final parting words to her.

When you go to the springs, don't mind the sprites. They're curious creatures, but they won't harm you. You're under our protection, after all.

She was beginning to realize she truly didn't know a thing about this realm at all. She didn't know what kind of creatures called the forest their home. She certainly hadn't seen many of them so far. 

Only the one. 

It had been the strangest thing about the forest; the lack of creatures...

Enara cautiously tiptoed down the stairs, growing slightly afraid as it grew darker. She realized then that the mosses were giving off a faint glow. The glow grew stronger as she descended into the earth. 

The echo of moving waters beckoned. Warm steam wafted up each step to meet her.

Soon, the stairs gave way to an open cavern, misty and glowing with bio luminescence. Enara lowered herself down the last few steps shakily, unable to believe the sight before her eyes. 

It was breathtakingly beautiful, like most else in the castle. Palace. Wherever she was. The rocky ceilings were higher than she'd expected, and jagged with little hanging peaks. Smatterings of the glowing moss grew along every crack and crevice, providing enough dim light for her to find her way.

Enara made her way closer to the pools, hot steam curling around her with every step. The waters bubbled and babbled, much like the brooks she used to know. But this water didn't seem to flow from anywhere. It was coming straight out of the earth.

Enara dipped one foot cautiously into the hot springs, smiling as the warmth spread over her. She lowered herself in, bit by bit adjusting to the heat. It was divine. 

The water was a bit deep, but Enara was able to walk around on her tiptoes, spreading her arms to steady herself. 

She could somehow feel in her limbs that she possessed the ability to swim. She felt as though her muscles had a memory of how it was done. Enara was just about to give it a try, when she noticed odd movement in the water around her. 

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