Chapter 05

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Warning: Mentions of abortion

Izuku Midoriya POV

I finally collapsed into bed at 1 in the morning after finishing all of my paperwork, writing 3 songs and writing 4 essays for school. I had done my modeling shoot at 10 that morning and finished two hours later, it was one of my shorter shoots thankfully. It had taken me 10 days to finish everything I needed to get done and I knew that when I woke up I would have to start the process all over again with piles of paperwork, more concerts scheduled and more demands for pictures so men and women could ogle at my body on the cover of the latest fashion magazine. I had received a text earlier saying Mark had started a fire, Maria had been sneaking out to go to concerts with friends and my housekeeper was one thread away from quitting. I was exhausted to say the least and I was going to have to raise Greta's pay once again if I wanted to keep her.

I heard a knock on the door and sighed with frustration then forced myself out of bed and over to the door. I opened the door and looked at Momo, not even bothering to hide my exhaustion. "What is it Momo?" I asked wearily.

"Sorry for waking you Alpha Midoriya but I didn't know who else to turn to." She said shuffling her feet and looking at the floor.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked kindly.

Something is wrong if she's not going to Shoto about whatever is going on.

She bit her lip and nodded so I moved aside in the doorway and motioned for her to come in, she walked in and I shut the door quietly. "Sit wherever you want but please don't touch anything, I have items in here that are valuable and others that are from my past." I said.

She carefully walked over and sat down in a blue cushioned chair while I sat across from her on the bed. "What's wrong Momo?" I asked.

She immediately burst into tears. "I-I'm pregnant with Alpha Todoroki's pup as the result of his Haze a few days ago and I don't know what to do, I don't even know if he wants pups." She sobbed.

I took a deep breath. "First thing you need to do is tell him you're pregnant with his pup, if he wants pups then he should help you with your pregnancy and help you with raising the pup. If he doesn't want pups then you have to decide whether you want to perform an abortion or keep the pup, either way I will help you financially if you need me to and I know how to raise a pup so I can give you advice. I will not be involved in the pup's life other than that as he or she is your responsibility as a parent. That is the only advice I can give you right now, you need to tell him either way Momo because it's his pup." I advised gently.

"B-but how do I tell him?" She asked, her tears slowing.

"Tell him when you two are alone so he doesn't feel pressured to reject or accept the pup based on the reactions of others, allow him 3 days to process before you start asking him whether he wants it or not then allow him to help decide what to do if he decides he wants to be involved in your decision. Remember that it is his pup too but it is your body and you need to help decide, pregnancy is a terrifying yet wonderful thing and you will have many ups and downs both during your pregnancy and your life."

She bit her lower lip and nodded hesitantly. "Thank you Alpha Midoriya...." She said thankfully.

I smiled gently at her. "Your welcome. But I do recommend telling him before the week is up so you have time to decide if you want to abort the pup or not." I said gently.

She nodded. "Now go get some rest, we both need to sleep and you're going to be more tired than usual because of your body supporting another life, you're also going to need more nutrients and calories to support your child." I told her gently.

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