Changing the Future??

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~{Chapter 5}~*This chapter is about when Nia and Brainy tell the team and their future children that they can change the future! Despite what the odds say... Until Isabel learns that she has to be the one to sacrifice herself🩵for the City🏙, the world🌎, and her superfamily based on her dream🌀vision🌌✨. It's the only way to save her mother and change the future for the better! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*At the Tower*
*2:09 a.m.*
"We Can Change the Future!" Nia said optimistically with a positive attitude of changing her fate in the future✨so that Isabel and Noah won't have to grow up without a mother at the age of 11. "That sounds great! Mom, but the question is how?" Isabel said smiling while asking the obvious question that everyone was thinking at this point. "That's the thing we don't know yet. But we will find🔎a way to
Brainy added not have the foggiest clue on the "How" part😅but had faith that they would change her fate no matter what and refused to lose the love❤️of his life since he already planned on spending the rest of his life with "Nia Nal" while knowing that they have a family in the future now and afraid of losing it all... and of course, Brainy wasn't going to let that happen. "I see. Well, does anyone have any ideas on the how part?" Isabel asked softly crossing her arms if anyone had any bright ideas that could help them. Brainy, Nia, Kara, John, Winn, and even Lena didn't have any ideas giving her nods in an "No". "I might have one. I predict that there is a 50/30% chance of it affecting the timeline. But I believe that it is necessary in this situation if it means saving Mom's life, so my idea is that we use the informationℹ️that we have on from our time to help us gather the data we need to prevent her death." Noah suggested wisely. Brainy and Nia were very impressed with their son's brilliant idea💡as one of them said as proud parents. "Wow, that's brilliant! Son," Brainy said amazed by Noah's smart idea of a brilliant plan feeling pride in his heart💚while sensing that his son is a 12th-level intelligence. Just like him... Father like Son😉.
"Thanks, Dad," Noah said nervously with a grateful smile. "Actually, that could work... I have all of those records of that event where it all happened and how many days, months, or even years we have left to prepare. It's all stored in my gauntlet," Isabel added softly stating the facts about having info on the future about how their mom died sacrificing herself to protect her family. Since they were there when it happened...while pressing multiple buttons on her gauntlet wrist.

*An hour later, after gathering the data/information on the future*
"Okay, so, based on the data I've collected... we only have 5 days to prevent Mom from dying in order to change the future... Isabel explained wisely. "So, we have to..." she added softly pausing and then closing her eyes for a split second. And just like that Isabel Dox was inside the dream🌀realm as a giant bird🦅made entirely out of *dream energy* also known as a "Dreambird" stood before her flapping its wings beautifully✨. Then, it spoke wisely to Dream Girl so she wouldn't be afraid because believe it or not DreamBirds are the sworn protectors of the "Nal Family" and they only appear to the Dreamer's dreams🌌for a good reason to warn them about their Destiny.
"Isabel Dox, if you want to save your mother from dying in 5 days from now... then you must be the one to Sacrifice yourself." It said wisely.
"It must be you. You're a miracle. A Hybrid of both alien species in one! Half-Naltorian🌀and half-Coluan💚. You're the "Dreamer" after all and it was what you were born to do. This is why your mother sacrificed herself in the future✨because she didn't want her only daughter to die saving the world and wanted you to live a full happy life. So, she took your place to protect you! So, in 5 days from now, it must be you, and only You! But know that when you make the ultimate sacrifice... you will die in the process. And it will change the timeline and the future for the better of your family," Dreambird said softly stating all the facts about why it should be Isabel Dox and not her mother.
She was in complete shock and didn't want to die while saying💬. "What about my brother? If I die then he'll be all alone..." Isabel questioned softly in tears💦not wanting to do this because Noah would be miserable in his life without her. "I'm sorry, Miss Dox, but there is no other way. It must be done! For It is your destiny. Accept your fate in order to keep the people you love safe and your mother lives..."She🦅said wisely speaking the truth wanting Dream🌀Girl✨to accept her Destiny/fate because this is the only way to save her mom's life and change the future.

Brainia~ Wedding💍Crashers💥from the Future✨Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora