Our Future🌌✨:

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~{Final Chapter}~*This chapter is about a few months after Brainy and Nia get back to *National🏙City* from their honeymoon in "Paris" but she later finds🔎out is Pregnant with Twins meaning their daughter🩵and son💚. Which means that their future starts now! I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*3 weeks later*
*At Night🌙, in National🏙City at Kara's place for Game Night*
*7:30 p.m.*
It's been weeks since Brainy and Nia got back home from their honeymoon. They were with their superfamily for game night all except for Nia but couldn't attend cause she wasn't feeling well today for some reason😅. So, Brainy had to team up with Lena... which he didn't mind it just wouldn't be the same without his wife, Nia😔. "It's a shame that Nia couldn't be here tonight since you guys have been back," Kara said softly with a sad look wishing that one of her best friends was here for game night while hoping that she would feel better soon. And she could tell that Brainy missed his wife and said💬. "Yeah, I agree. Kara, but Nia, told me that she wasn't feeling well today and she's been in bed all vomiting..." Brainy explained Why she💙wasn't here tonight for "game night" due to her sickness. They all understood that and got on with their game😅...

*An hour later*
Nia came in through the door🚪quickly smiling happily with "good news" about her sickness because she wasn't sick at all😅... it was something else. Something wonderful! Brainy quickly got up at the sight of his wife💙here and walked to her to say💬. "Nia, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting?" he asked her concerned since she was sick. "Actually, about that. To answer all of your questions... Brainy, it's the opposite. I'm pregnant!" Nia answered wisely and dropped the big unexpected news about her being Pregnant. "You're what?!" Brainy questioned loudly in shock. "Yeah, it's true. I took a pregnancy test and it came up "positive" so it must be true." Nia said softly smiling😊brightly✨confirming that it was 100% *true* of her being pregnant with "Twins" meaning Isabel and Noah😉. "Besides, I had a dream about our daughter🩵as "the next dreamer" and our son💚as a 12th-level-Intelligent. Just like you... so, it has to be true!" She added stating the facts of her dream vision showing her the future✨of their children as heroes just like when they first them as adults. This just proves that she really is Pregnant! Then, Brainy immediately hugged his wife💙dearly and lifted Nia up in the air💨to express his feelings✨ of happiness💞of how happy he is to start a family with her and a chance to be a "Father". Kara and the others were so happy. "I'm so happy for you two," John commented feeling so much love. "Congrats!" Kara said happily excited for her two best friends to have two kids and to raise them into amazing Heroes just like they are hugging🤗Brainy💚and Nia💙. Then, the Superfriends were all in a "group hug" together and they were about to soon have two new members to their Superfamily. And she couldn't wait to meet Isabel and Noah as babies when they're finally born in at least 7 or 9 months...

*7 months later, at the Tower*
*At Night, in the Med Bay*
Isabel🩵and Noah💚Dox was finally born after all of the waiting and preparation... as Brainy and Nia held the two Hybrid Naltorian/Coluan twins together close to their chests while thinking💭that their daughter and son were the cutest babies they had ever seen. Even though they were both green✳️ that didn't matter cause no baby is truly "perfect" What matters is that they're part of the family. Through Brainy and Nia's eyes, they were perfect, beautiful, intelligent alien babies who were both destined for greatness! "Our future," Brainy and Nia said in unison to each other holding baby Isabel🩵and baby Noah💚in their arms while thinking about their future together💚💙🩵💚as a family. "They're beautiful," Nia commented looking at them already feeling like a "Mother". "Yeah, they are..." Brainy replied softly in tears of joy feeling✨so much "love" in his heart💚right now and was so happy to be a "Father".

~{The end}~*Sorry, short chapter😅. But I hope you enjoyed reading📖this Brainia💚💙story and its chapters. Until my next story! Bye👋, for now.*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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