A Simple💗 "perfect" Wedding💍:

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~{Chapter 7}~*This chapter is about when Isabel and Noah Dox left to go back to their Time because you know "time travel" stuff😅and all. So, Brainy and Nia decided to get married💍after everything that happened in the past two days... I hope you like it, Enjoy!*

*The next day, in the evening*
*At the NC Park*
*6:00 p.m.*
"I don't need a Perfect fancy Wedding... Brainy, all I need is you, to spread my life with you, and our future✨together. I want a marriage," Nia said softly not caring where they got married as long as they had each other and just wanted a simple and small wedding. Nothing too big or fancy! He smiled feeling the same way as she did. "Well, if that's what you want... Nia, then why don't we just get married right here since we already had the ceremony? Let's just exchange our wedding vows and rings," Brainy said excitedly suggesting that they should get married here in the *City Park* surrounded by their loved❤️ones to say💬their vows to each other💚💙of how they feel. And He didn't want to wait another second, minute, or hour to marry "Nia Nal" *the girl of his dreams* and to be her husband today! Nia's eyes widened in shock wasn't expecting him to say something so "Spontaneous" and then said💬. "Wait, really? Brainy, I-I... don't know what to say," she said softly still a little bit in shock while thinking💭that this was happening so fast😅😰. "Your words, not mine," he said. "You know what? Yes, Let's do it! Let's get married today," Nia said optimistically with a positive attitude towards marrying Brainy today here in the "park" to finally be his wife. Which was the perfect setting with a beautiful sunset🌇 behind them along with their closest friends that felt like family and Nia's dad and sister were there too. So to them, it was "perfect".

*Brainia💚💙small Wedding💍*
*6:30 p.m.*
Nia was on the left side, Brainy was on the right side facing each other💚💙feeling so much love❤️and "happiness" right now for finally getting married💍after all this and John was standing in the middle smiling at his two friends glad and ready to officiate their wedding even if it's a small one. "Now, let's do this again. Hopefully, this time without any interruptions... so, let's begin with the Vows." John said softly
asking them to start with wedding vows after saying that they were made for each other and his two best friends to express that feeling meaning their "love" for one another by telling how they feel about each other in tieing the knot🪢by getting married today. Then, Nia pulled a handwritten paper of her wedding vows that she wrote last month, right after Brainy💚proposed💍to her💙and then said💬. "Yes, I wrote mine..." She said smiling confirming that she had her vows prepared for this exact moment. "Brainy, I loved you from the moment I first saw you at the Pizza Place *3 years* ago, and since then my feelings for you have only gotten stronger. You even helped me when I knew nothing about how to use my powers🌀or interpret my dreams✨and trained me to be a "Hero" Even though, I didn't want to accept it you "always" believed in me and you still do. And I admire that about you... now, here we are today getting married after everything that we've been through in our lives together! You are everything that I've been looking for in a Partner. I am happy, excited, and honored to be your wife. I may be the "Dreamer" dreaming the future✨but you Querl Dox, are my Future✨." Nia said softly reading her wedding vows on a piece of paper📝out loud speaking straight from her heart💙while adding a few details to it because of what they have been through in the past few days about the future✨, and "always" finding their way back to each other in times of chaos. Love❤️conquers all! "That was really beautiful," Brainy commented feeling so much "love" & "happiness" and was shedding happy🥹tears in his eyes. And now, it was his turn. He wiped his tears away to say💬the memorized speech📃of his Wedding💍Vows that he had programmed into his software but decided not to use... and just wanted to live in the moment✨by speaking from his heart💚trusting his feelings/emotions and just like to tell her how she means to him. "Nia Nal, you're the Woman I've been waiting for my whole life and I wanna spend it all with you. I love you with everything that I am. I may not know what our future✨holds for us but what I do know is that we'll face it together! No matter what comes out way good or bad... I will be there by your side through it all." Brainy said his wedding vows out loud too that he just thought up off the top of his head in a short period of time based on his feelings for her and what happened in the last two days speaking from the bottom of his heart💚openly. Meaning, every single word💬of it😊. Nia was in tears after hearing Brainy's vows and she thought it was beautiful✨&
heartfelt💗as it felt like her heart was melting inside🥰. Well, this is Brainy after all😉! So, what did she really expect that would happen😅? They looked at each other lovely as Kara and Alex handed them each the ring since they had them on them just in case.

Then, Nia placed the sliver ring🔗on his green finger on his right hand and Brainy placed the sliver Sapphire🔹ring💍on her finger on her left hand that he picked out specifically made for this exact moment for her *3 weeks* before the Wedding 2 days ago. Because he only wanted the best for his "Nia Nal". "I now pronounce you Husband💚and Wife💙. Brainy, you may kiss your bride," John said softly with a smile officiating them in being a wedded power✨couple❤️. Nia and Brainy smiled happily gazing deeply at each other with "love" in their eyes... he leaned in kissing her right away on the lips and she kissed him back wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling into the kiss to feel close to him. Their friends and Nia's family💙clapped for them finally married💍with all of the wedding chaos💥, meeting their future kids for the first time as adults, and let's not forget changing the future✨for the better! In the end, everything worked out... Maeve smiled happily and hugged🤗Nia was so happy for her and said. "My sister is finally married!" she said happily and excitedly about Nia being married after all this time.

*At Night🌙✨, in National🌃City at Nia and Brainy's apartment*
*10:00 p.m.*
They were packing their suitcases🧳👜last minute for their honeymoon trip to *Paris, France🇫🇷* which is scheduled for tomorrow. Brainy and Nia planned on staying there for at least "3 weeks" after everything that they had been through these past few days and they really needed a vacation to have time to their selves for once as a happy married💍couple❤️. "So, are you excited for tomorrow? Nia," Brainy asked out of curiosity while closing up his luggage and zipping it up tight if his wife was looking forward to going on their honeymoon to the most romantic place on Earth🌎and the "perfect" spot for newlyweds to go. Meaning, Paris. "Yes! Of course, I am. Brainy, I'm going to Paris and we're finally married💍! And I can't wait to spend it all with you," she said happily with excitement to go on their honeymoon together. "I'm glad, to hear that. And I feel the same way. Nia," he said lovely with a smile.
Then, after finishing packing their bags up for ready for tomorrow... they went to bed earlier that same night to get a good night's sleep and rest. Since they both have a big day ahead of them in the morning.

(To be continued?😅)

Brainia~ Wedding💍Crashers💥from the Future✨Where stories live. Discover now