New Beginnings

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Introduction: 2018, December a 13 year old Filipino mix girl was sitting at home playing a horse game called Star Stable with a community club. This girl was named Slime, Slime's escape was Star Stable as she developed a friend group with a few members within the club. Slime's life wasn't always sunshine and rainbows; she had a mom that was very strict and proactive about what Slime was doing, always breathing down her neck. Slime learnt to live with this, always fighting for herself and having to defend herself, getting herself hurt within the process. Slime's friends always talked to her to make sure she was okay, she wasn't always okay in the head, and certainly wasn't getting better.

One day a new member joined the Star Stable community club, this new member and Slime were unfamiliar with each other, and so were all the older members. This new member intrigued Slime's interest heighten a bit, she found out the members nickname it was "Softy" an eyebrow would raise as Slime at the time would giggle thinking that name was a bit funny and creative, but then she'd look at the Softy's username in the game and looked at the end that said "Softwild" then she knew were they had got it from.

Months would pass Slime trying to open up to Softy. At the time Softy was shy as they were still unfamiliar with Slime, and Slime would try to reassure Softy that it was okay. These two would play a game called Red Dead Redemption 2 and even attempted to dressage in the game, which was a fail. About two months after this, Softy found love with another girl named Samara, a girl that Slime attempted to date but didn't go so well. Something made Slime upset, she had gotten jealous that Softy got to date Samara, it built inside her stomach as she slammed her laptop closed.

"Okay dude, how is that even fair.." said Slime, an upset tone of voice as she crossed her arms, and laid down and faced the ceiling.

After Slime laid down for a little bit she thought to herself 'why am I even jealous of both of them? I should be happy she thought, her thoughts forcing her to think that it was bad to be jealous as she felt for Softy and didn't even know it. Not much happened in the next following weeks, aside from the jealousy growing more in Slime's head. Slime wanted to talk to Softy about how Samara was treating them, but shied away from it. She didn't want to disturb the relationship between the two, she didn't know if she was slowly but surely catching feelings for Softy or just seeing her ex, Samara in a relationship with both of their new friends. Softy was very self reserved the time that they were with Samara, Slime didn't talk to Softy because of her jealousy towards them both. Until one day Slime and Samara got into it, due to some type of conflict that they had it was super irrelevant but Slime said something that changed their view on Samara.

In the server:

Samara: -Says something about Slime that is unknown, but was remembered to be rude and incessant.-

Dove: "Yeah but at least I don't date someone that's 2 years older than you."

Mara: "What are you talking about? Go fuck yourself Dove."

Dove: "...okay then."

Club Owner: *times out both, and defuses the situation.*

Slime enraged with anger and confusion, she completely had a fit as she stormed off into the nearing distance away from her phone.

Two weeks passed, no communication crossed between Softy or Samara. Slime felt bad at her actions even though she wasn't all in the wrong but she wasn't all right. She messaged Samara and apologised.

In Direct Messages with Mara:

Slime: Hey, I'm sorry if I said anything to hurt you or your girlfriend. I didn't mean anything by it. I guess it was a heat of the moment kind of thing. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I'm sure you care about Softy as much as I do.

-4 hours later...-

S.M.: Hey Dove, you shouldn't be the one apologising, I should. I should of never told you to go fuck yourself. I feel bad, I hope that you aren't too mad at me but I understand that you are.

Slime: It's okay I forgive you, I didn't mean to get in between you and Softy.

S.M.: you're fine.

Few more months passed as the club became inactive, some drama conflict between the club and the members that caused it to end, it was now June of 2019. No one from the club really stayed in active contact besides Samara, Softy, Kayla, and Slime. Interactions with Softy and Slime were very short lived, and weren't full conversations the same with the rest. 2 year recap in 2020 the same club owner created a new star stable community club, where they gathered all the old members who wanted to join back including Softy, and Slime. The conversations really were really short lived. Slime found out that Samara had broken up with Softy, reasons were unknown and throughout the course of the years Softy who is known as Alyssa, had their heart broken multiple times. When Slime found out about that she couldn't help but feel sorry for her, because Slime knew how much of a sweetheart Alyssa was. Date: Feb, 2022Slime had gotten back in contact with Alyssa, they began talking again and sometimes calling, or even playing Star Stable and Red Dead Redemption here and there. Being there for each other for the next months up until the following year of 2023. The beginning of 2023 they really started to talk and warm up to each other. In the summer they began to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare with each other, and laughing endlessly on calls, and these two really became inseparable.

...But Slime was hiding something from Alyssa, and it was weighing down Slime a lot. Slime's feelings for Alyssa grew even more as they talked more than they did at the beginning and Slime saw something in Alyssa that their ex's didn't. Slime saw a girl with true potential to become something great, someone whose love language matched hers, someone who listens and cares, someone who is beautiful and they don't know, someone who is so kind and has the best personality that not any other girl, let alone a male could have beat. Slime's stomach always rushed in butterflies around Alyssa, it was stressing Slime out, slime couldn't hold onto these feelings and be around Alyssa, she wanted Alyssa to be hers, because she wanted to give Alyssa something no one else could... She wanted to give them the best. The month of October had reached, Slime felt that this was the right time to ask out such an amazing girl.

Then Slime made a move, and Slime asked out Alyssa. At first Alyssa was hesitant because they had been left before, and they needed to think about it. So that night Slime had sat down and starred at her ceiling wondering if she'd ask too fast as her mind wondered.

"Do you think they would want me?" thoughts swarmed through Slime's head. The next morning arrived where Slime went to school, and came home to an answer that would change her life forever.

In Direct Messages:

Alyssa: I have my answer.

Slime: Yes?

Alyssa: yes.

Slime's eyes felt with tears that day, she was so happy and felt amazing. She'd make an oath that she'd treat Alyssa with kindness, respect, and lovingness as best as She'd can. So she did. So she thought.

Months would pass, things between Slime and Alyssa would strengthen until one day Slime was faced with a problem that would really test her abilities. The boat that floated the relationship began to get tough, as the storm strengthen this was the biggest down-hill that Slime would have with Alyssa, but Slime clutched up and didn't let go. She communicated, and listened to Alyssa and talked things through and they both made it through. Things were going great, and they continued to go great, both communicated beyond greatly. Slime could never be happier. Slime that was now 16, had started to miss Alyssa. The distance between them both had bothered her, but Slime reminded herself that 2 years was all that's left not 4, not 3, but 2 and everyday would get decrease the time that held them apart. Slime became optimistic. 

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