The Night

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The reaction between Slime and Alyssa was quiet, but yet the silence spoke of immense volume between the two. As their lips part, Slime smiled at Alyssa, as they smiled back. Alyssa felt a mix of marvellous emotions, as pleasure swirled throughout their body. Alyssa was so astonished at what Slime did, but in a good way that they could never express to the naked eye but inside they felt amazing, yet more broken than ever. Slime took both of her hands and gently placed them on Alyssa's cheek, rubbing their cheek softly.

"Whoa.." Alyssa said, managing to slip out, before staring at Slime with eyes almost glittering at the sight, it was like a magical moment between the two that no one could really express, let alone understand besides the two in the moment. Alyssa moved their hands up to Slime's chin, holding it with their hand as Slime smiled and went in for another kiss, where both Slime's and Alyssa's lips met that night. Slime put her hand onto Alyssa's thigh once more, just making Alyssa aroused. Slime of course already  aroused.

"Come on we can only do so little in this small car, and we can wind down in the hotel my love." Slime would be recommended, being the best idea. If they were to continue further in the car, the Hotel parking lot would not be the best idea. People were still around and like parking security doing their routine rounds to make sure there aren't any break ins.

"Yeah, you're right." Alyssa agreed and giggled quietly as they looked at Slime passionately. They both exit out the car, of course Slime being Slime opening the door for Alyssa, and Alyssa could not get over how sweet and kind, yet considerate Slime was being. Alyssa was high over heels for Slime at every little thing that she did for them. Slime and Alyssa went into the hotel, where they got onto the elevator, as Slime again put her hand under Alyssa's arm making Alyssa put their arm around Slime's neck. Alyssa giggled at Slime's sudden choice of movement.

"What are you doing? You're being so silly." Alyssa said again giggling at Slime.

"I'm being worm." Slime jokingly said as she chuckled.

"Oh not this again, I'm going to shove you into the water bed." they said roughing up Slime's hair, teasing around once more. Slime began laughing yet again, as the elevator door opened they both headed back to the hotel room. Slime opened the hotel door with the key, as she held the door open for Alyssa.

"No princess should ever open a door by themselves." Slime jokingly made the Gypsy Rose reference, Slime face slightly cringed after but burst out laughing.

"Oh not the Gypsy Roseeee... Stop playing around you goofball." Alyssa responded by scooping and carrying her over to the middle of the room where they sat her down. Slime squealed at the sudden movements that Alyssa did.

Slime looked at Alyssa, and backed them onto the bed, looking at them deviously.
"Remember all those moments on call where you said 'you should get over here and fuck me senseless." Slime said as arousal grew in both of them. Alyssa astonished and not saying a word quickly but nervously nodded, as Slime put both hands onto Alyssa's thighs and squeezed them gently before climbing up onto Alyssa seductively making them lay onto the bed. Alyssa gasped at Slime's movements, as Alyssa wrapped their hands around Slime's small, grabbable waist. Slime didn't move too quickly, and went at a slow paste before kneeling down towards Alyssa and started to make out with them. Shifting her hand down into their pants,  rub them slowly. The quick movements caused Alyssa to moan quietly.

Slime backed off of Alyssa and sat on their lap, facing them.

"Maybe we are moving too fast?" asked Slime teasingly.
"I don't think so.. I'm absolutely melting right now. I-..I don't even know what to really say." Alyssa sputtered out, as they let out a small whimper wanting Slime to do more. Slime was starting to tease Alyssa as she backed off of them.

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