Beyond Love

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A year later had passed, it was 2025 and it was Oct. 28 11 days after Slime's 18th birthday. Slime had obtained a motorcycle for her 17th birthday as a recap, Alyssa and her still together their love stronger than ever. For Alyssa's 16th birthday Slime got them a gaming laptop, and a horse necklace. Of course as rebellious as Alyssa was with Slime buying them something, they were very thankful and excited. Slime had a good paying Job, and so did Alyssa allowing them to buy things they wanted and being more happier in their life still distanced but yet closer. It was their 2 year anniversary on Oct 13th , where Slime did something very special for her girlfriend and got them a lot of gifts like the rest of the Taylor Swift vynls, posters, and outfits of Alyssa's choice. 

Slime texted Alyssa about their prom that was happening in the upcoming month, and they messaged back with the date, time, and that outside guest were allowed. So Slime decided to use the money she had saved to book a flight for the week of prom and booked a nice 5 star hotel in Sioux Falls, SD. Alyssa became very excited to see Slime, their excited reached beyond one could see. Slime couldn't wait either. The next month came up, and it was time to leave to go finally see Alyssa.

Slime began packing her suitcase enough clothes to last for a week, and some.. interesting items as well. However Slime had a plan up her sleeve that she'd hope that her girlfriend would like. 

The next morning arrived Slime got up at 3:45 and took her suitcase and got into the car where her best friend named Sarah drove her to the airport.

"Soo Slime, are you excited I know you've been talking about this moment for a long time?" Sarah would say looking over at Slime curious but happy for her.

"I am very excited but very nervous." Said Slime in a very anxious but quick tone, her body language spook pure excitement, but very nervous.

"I get it, I'd be nervous too. Try not to be though I'm sure that you will have a good time with your girlfriend. Both of you sounded very cute. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Sarah said comforting Slime mid-way to the airport. 

"Yeah, I'm defiantly going to enjoy my time with them, I've been waiting for this moment forever!" Slime said excitedly as her heart pounded out her chest.

Sarah slimed at Slime and they finally reached the airport, where Sarah got out and helped Slime with her bags. Sarah gave Slime a hug, and cried a bit.

"This is your first time going out alone, are you sure you'll be alright?" She'd say sniffling a bit.

"Heyyy, I'll be fineee I swear." Slime reassured Sarah. The PA announced came on about a flight 

Flights to S.D. please make your way to the boarding gate, again flights to S.D. for 4:40 AM please make your way to the boarding gate at this time.

"Oop, Slime you better get going." Sarah slimed at Slime as she handed Slime her suitcase, and gave her one final hug before backing away. "Byeee Slime!! Be safe!!" She chanted as Slime started to walk away.

"I will! I'll text you when I land!" Slime shouted with a giant smile on her face as she jumped up and down before running into the airport checking in the gate sending the suitcase on the belt as they loaded it into the airplane, went through security and got onto the plane as Slime sat down feeling jittery with excitement, can't wait to see her girlfriend after such a long time.

"I can't believe this is happening.." Slime thought to herself. She listened to music as the plan took off and looked out the plane window until she'd comfortably fall asleep, and awoke 3 hours into the flight. She got a yummy breakfast burrito from the flight attendant and a cup of coffee, and ate. She made friends to the person next to her and they talked about horses, just to find out that the women that sat next to her was a expert horse rider, that did show-jumping and she shared her story's with Slime. Keeping Slime occupied for the rest of the flight, both laughed with each other. 

What brings you to South Dakota?" the women asked Slime, curious.

"Oh I'm just here to see my girlfriend..." Slime said to her sliming 

"Oh that's so amazing, best of luck to you!" She said smiling back at Slime. Slime was confused at the lady's random kindness as she found out that the lady had a daughter that she was visiting who also had a girlfriend, but her daughter was suffering from stage 3 skin cancer and she was trying to spend quality time with her. The story she had heard brought tears to her eyes.

"I hope all goes well, my kindest regards goes out to you and your family." Slime said kindly.

"Well thank you, you're very kind young lady, and you too." She said nodding her head.

The flight landed where everyone got off the plane, Slime got hyped with energy. She texted Alyssa that she was here, and Alyssa responded back saying she was waiting by checking and baggage claim. Slime's body flourished with excitement and nervousment as she headed to where Alyssa said that she was. Slime arrived a few feet from baggage claim and scanned the scenery for her girlfriend where she found them sitting going through their phone. Slime's heart dropped, and pounded nervousness felt her body. She took a dew deep breathes and walked towards Alyssa.

"baby...?" Slime said quietly, her hands shaking with excitement as she stared at her girlfriend as Alyssa looked up, their eyes locked for a second before both squealing and hugging each other. Slime began to cry tears of joy and held Alyssa tightly.

"Hiii my love.." Alyssa said softly but excitedly holding Slime tightly, taking in such a memorable important moment.

"you look so fucking amazing, oh my god I can't believe my eyes..!" Slime said looking at Alyssa passionately, as Slime's nervousness grew even more.

"I'm ammm notttt, that's youuu." Alyssa would respond back in a prolonged teasing voice.

"you are such a goofball" Slime said before burst out laughing mostly because of her nervousness. 

"stopppp you're so meannn." she'd jokingly respond to Slime before hugging her again. Slime feeling Alyssa's body against hers gave her a sense of safety and calmed her down a bit. As she became a little more comfortable. 

"Ahhh don't be a lil raccooonn, come on I have to pick up the car I rented. How'd you get here?" Slime asked her

"Oh I caught a ride here" she'd say giggling, still excited to see Slime.

"Oh okay, cool! Would you like to drive around with me?" Slime asked nervously, looking at them with eyes almost sparkling.

"YES???" shouted Alyssa almost jumping up and down with excitement before hugging Slime again.

"YAYY, Comeeee onn lessgoooo!!" Slime shouted along with Alyssa as Slime grabbed Alyssa's hand and pulled her to the rental car pick-up claim. Alyssa tensed up at the touch of Slime's hand as their body felt with butterflies and happiness. Slime smiling, as her fingers rubbed over the top of Alyssa's hand. Which made them nervous and almost broken a little. They reached the rental car claim and got the car, the car that Slime rented was a Toyota Prius something affordable for her, Slime put her suitcase and mini backpack into the back seat. As Slime opening the door for Alyssa as both of them blushed and squealing a little, and Slime getting into the drivers side. Slime started up the car, and let it ran for a bit.

"I cannot believe this is real right now." Slime would say excitedly in disbelief 

"Neither can I darling.."  said Alyssa struggling to get out words as they were very nervous, and a bit shy but opening it up a lot. 

Both of them looked at each other and smiled and laughed uncontrollably. Slime backed the car out of the parking garage, and headed onto the roads. Before doing that Slime put the hotel address into the phone. Onwards they went, while going down the road Slime decided to make a move, and put her hand on Alyssa's thigh. Alyssa's focused went to Slime, as they gasped at the sudden touch and looked like they'd been broken once more. Slime smiled at them as butterflies swirled even more for Alyssa. The light turnt green as Slime brought her attention back to the road still leaving her hand on Alyssa's thigh. We'd arrive at the hotel were Slime had gotten out and opened the door for Alyssa once more, Alyssa remained wordless, but flustered at Slime. 

Slime got her suitcase out the back where Alyssa offered to help, and Slime tried to deny but of course gave in and allowed Alyssa to help. They both entered the hotel check in.

"Hi welcome to Hyatt Place Sioux Falls, can I have the name for the reservation?" asked the host in at the reception desk smiling with a friendly smile.

"Hi! The name is for Slime?" I said a bit nervous from making a move with Alyssa. 

"Ah, yes I see! So you have the suite I see? Here's your room key ma'am! Have a nice day!" She'd say kindly handing the room key to Slime.

"You too, and thank you!" Slime would say taking the key from the host, and looking back at Alyssa. "Come on babe!" Slime would say nervously and excited, the only two feelings swirling through her body. Alyssa smiling at Slime, following behind her and Slime holding their hand all the way up to 6th floor on the elevator. Both girls got into the elevator on the way up Slime walked up and buried her face into Alyssa's chest taking in the moment with her girlfriend. Alyssa took their hand and placed it on Slime's back rubbing her back gently as they smiled at Slime. The elevator door opened where they both got off each other and held each others hands once more to the room where Slime took the key and opened the door. 

"whoa.. you got this big ass hotel room for yourself?" Alyssa asked jokingly, again teasing Slime.

"Of course not, you're going to stay with me right?" Slime asked Alyssa.

"Yeah of course babe.. I told my mom that I was staying with a friend." She said smiling. 

"where's your bags babe?" Slime asked them, curious to what they were gonna wear while they stay.

"In this bag, on my back if you haven't noticed silly." Alyssa said laughing, teasing Slime again. 

"oh, I'm blind." Slime would say lookin into the distance before breaking out laughing. 

Slime's stomach began growling audially to where Alyssa could hear.

"have you ate baby?" Alyssa asked curious and a bit concerned. 

"Not since I got off the plane and that was just a breakfast burrito and a coffee." Slime responded looking at Alyssa smiling at bit. "I was about to say let's go and get something to eat I hear of a good place around here called Crawford's? I did make reservations already but there not until 30 minutes, which is soon so we should unpack and leave? It's a steak and seafood restaurant." Said Slime curious if that peaked Alyssa's food taste.

"Yeah!! If you made reservations I don't see why not. I thought you were allergic to seafood." they'd ask slime.

"Only if I eat it, or around crabs. I'll be fine, don't worry!" Slime said reassuring Alyssa.

"Alright baby." Alyssa said smiling, and walking up to hug Slime once more. 

After unpacking they both leave the hotel and got into the car and headed to the Crawford's , and drove off. They both arrived at the restaurant and got out and went  inside as the Hostess greeted us both.

"Hi guys, welcome to Crawford's what can I get for you?" the nice lady Hostess asked

"Hi, we have a 12:40 PM reservation, for 2." Slime would say to the lady as she brought them back to 2 fancy booth seats, and where she'd seat both Alyssa and Slime down at the table. Where there was a candle pre-lit with fancy tablet menus to order from. Slime ordered a 5oz top sirloin medium well, and Alyssa ordered a shrimp scampi. They brought out the food out 30 minutes later, and gave the food to them.

"Here you are Ma'am." said the server, a nice well-dressed man that looked like he came from a foreign country. 

"Thank you Sir." both Slime and Alyssa said simultaneously.  

Both Slime and Alyssa started eating right aways leaving no room for small talk. Both smiling at each other in-between bites. Soon they finished eating and they cleaned.

"that was some good ass food babe." said Alyssa smiling, and nodding their head at the empty plates as the waiter took the plates.

"It really was not going to lie." said Slime giggling softly, looking Alyssa passionately in their eyes. She got lost in Alyssa's eyes and zoned out.
"you okay babe?" asked Alyssa to Slime. 

"M-mhm..!" Slime stuttered, "I just zoned out, got lost in em beautiful eyes of yours." Slime said smiling. 

"Stopppp." Alyssa said laughing, smiling at Slime.

"nooooo." said Slime jokingly.

They both left the restaurant and headed back to the car, they spent a good 3-4 hours in the restaurant just talking, and enjoying each other catching up on things they may have missed. 
They left the restaurant around 4:30, and got back into the car and began to drive off. They both drove around the state visiting places that Alyssa had showed Slime, it soon got dark as they pulled back up to the hotel, it was pitch black the clock read 9:30. 

Slime had this all planned out in her head how she was going to do what she was about to do, she took a few breathes before running through her head, and she had to do it quick before it was to late. She dropped something intentionally on the ground near Alyssa.

"oh.. oops.. can you get that for me?" Slime asked Alyssa nervously, but did a good job hiding her nervousness.

"Oh, yeah sure." said Alyssa as she bent down from the seat and tried to find what Slime had dropped, whilst they were looking for it she said "baby, what did you drop I can't find it?" as she slowly sat up, Slime grabbed their chin and pulled it gently towards hers and began to slowly make out with Alyssa. Alyssa's eyed widen before closing slowly, making out with Slime back. Both of their tounges fought, as Slime's hand wandered to Alyssa's thighs, their inner  thighs. 

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