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Story recap: "Hey you wanna head back to the hotel, we can cuddle and eat some snacks after that" Slime would say. Alyssa nodded as both of them exited the building heading back the hotel." Slime would take Alyssa back to the hotel to allow her to rest, but before she did Slime stopped to the nearest Starbucks and gotten Alyssa a late night coffee as they would need one, that night was very tiring for the both of them and it only being 10:20, Slime would want Alyssa to be cared for after intercourse.

Slime would soon arrive at the Starbucks, and Alyssa wondered why they were there so late. Slime pulled out her wallet preparing some spare cash she had to pay for the coffee for her girlfriend. She'd soon pull up to menu where her order would be taken.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you?" A lady asked behind the mic.

"Can I get a hot white chocolate mocha and a chocolate latte?" Slime would ask before looking over at Alyssa, seeing the smile at what Slime had ordered for them.

"Is that all?" The lady would ask

"Yes that is all" Slime said.

"Alright that will be $14.50" said the lady. Slime would pull up to the window, where she was met by a lady in her mid 20's dirty-blonde hair looked familiar, skinny with bags under her eyes. Slime stayed silent, thinking of someone that she knew... or both of them knew. Slimes face looked at the lady a little strangely still trying to make thought of who this lady was.

"Are you alright ma'am..?" The lady asked. Slime looked over at the Lady's tag and read her name that spelt S-A-M-A-R-A. Slime eyes widen the thoughts circulating through her head. Then the lady glanced over at Alyssa, and was bottom-up and mouth wide open shocked.

"It's that... Softy..." Samara would ask, as Slime shook it off.

"Can we just have our drinks please?" Slime would ask uncomfortable.

"Yeah..yeah of course" Samara said a bit lowly, trying to make way of what she did to them. Not releasing what she'd done to both of the girls that sat in the car. Slime glanced over at Alyssa, making sure that they were okay, Slime mouthed if they were okay and they nodded looking away from Slime and the out the window glancing at the nearby lights. Samara would come back with the drinks, handing it to Slime. Slime took the drinks and put them in the cup holder and drove off as quickly as she could, Slime wasn't headed back to the hotel. Slime was headed to a nice spot in a nearby park where she'd head too.

"Well that was unexpected..." Slime would say still paying attention to the road, but glanced over at Alyssa for a split second.

"Yeah, it was. Wasn't expecting that to be honest. Why did you act like that she was just doing her job" Alyssa would say a bit upset and confused.

Slime sighed as she began to respond, "I don't like her, even now I don't like what she did too you. I don't like how she treated me and I haven't gotten over it at all. I'm not fixing to let it go now" Slime said a bit angrily keeping her composure. Alyssa looked over to Slime a little upset, but compassionately and put their hand on her back rubbing it slightly trying to get her to calm down.

"Baby you can't be mad at something that happen almost a decade ago, I know you care about me a lot and don't want to see me hurt, but truth be told I'm over her. You're the only thing that I'm loving, and thinking about. You have to let it go babe, I don't like what she did either but I didn't let that affect me" Alyssa said passionately, talking to Slime trying to get her to let go of that grudge. "Not only that if you let it go you'd see how free you will feel, trust me baby.. I know how you feel but I learn't to let it go." They'd say bending down slightly looking at Slime's face.

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