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Breezepaw opened her eyes to.....

Not Starclan.

She glanced under her; Breeze appeared to be on a pink nest. Bed , her mind supplied. She hopped off the .. bed, walking around the wooden floors. It reminded her of the twoleg nest in which she was born.

A loud clatter sounds, followed by a string of unfamiliar curses. Breeze turned towards the voice, being faced with little ledges. Stairs, her mind told her again.

Breeze hopped down the 'stairs', catching the attention of a vaguely familiar shecat, with a void-black pelt. The cat turned, her green eyes flashing in confusion before she gasped at the medicine apprentice and darted forward, encasing a shocked Breeze in a hug.

It wasn't weird because Breeze knew this cat. She knew she did. Those green eyes where so familiar...

Breeze herself gasped when she realized.

It was her long-lost sister, Night.


Breeze dried her cheeks, wet from crying after she'd realized she was in another universe. That she'd never see Rainpaw again. On the other paw, she'd reunited with her only surviving sibling.

Night told Breeze her story, of quiet nights & tears cried over her missing sister. Of the purple portal that flickered into existence one night, a rip in the universe.

How she left it all behind, the twoleg place, her family, to find a new place. Far from her sister's place of ' death ' ( although Breeze had never truly died; she'd been found by WindClan.). How Night was adopted and raised as though this was her true universe.

Breeze told Night her story too, of being found by  WindClan half dying. Adopted too, like one of them. How she'd learned medicine, of The Narrator. Night shifted during those descriptions, of the bloodshed. She also noticed the fondness in Breeze's own voice when the albino she-cat talked of a mysterious Rainpaw.

Afterwards, Night told Breeze she'd need a job; the melanistic sibling couldn't provide for both of them. It'd be difficult to secure one, being 18 with no education, but Night was sure she could pull strings at her company, THEY.CORPS.


It'd been three days, Breeze had been educated by a strange mewtube channel dedicated to those who appear in this dimension randomly... She assumes it's much more common than previously assumed.

Anyway, Breeze had learned all about the functions of the world, and was currently doom-scrolling and waiting to see if her job applications got accepted.


Night begged her boss, Bob, for her sister to get a job.

" Breeze is a good worker! She's experienced with medicine in the dimension she came from!" Night said, arguing with the dark tom once more. At 'Dimension', he raised an eyebrow.

" She came from another dimension, ay? What happened there?" He asked in his gruff, 'I hate everything & I want to go home.'

" She told me about how a psychopathic deity made of shadows was tormenting the clans in a sick series of games, usually resulting in someone getting injured. Or killed." Night said plainly.

" .... Was this deity called The Narrator?" Bob asked. Night nodded, and Bob paused for a second.

" I'm going to talk to my boss, I'll put in a good word."


Breeze refreshed her email enthusiastically, it was the time that she was supposed to get a letter that would determine her job status.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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