names that forever in heart but impossible to marry

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i see with your eyes,
i listen with your ears,
with your mouth, i speaks
with your soul i feels

mine first, mine endings
closer than vein's,
lighter than angels,
queen of the queens

theres nothing but your name,
i write inside of ribs, between lungs,
that occupied by no one.

hope you heard,
that i called your many beauty names,
with wonderful notes,
begging your forgiveness,
in my prays, in my dreams.

I'm waiting here preparing,
to meet,
to smells,
to hears,
your true perfect shapes,
in perfect dimensions

you tell me,
sometimes what i like is not always good for me, and sometimes what i dislike is not always bad for me.

still miss everything what we've done.
in every breath,
in every smile,
in every soul you gave.


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