Chapter -3

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A mysterious temporal rift tore through the fabric of time. Amelia's eyes fluttered open, greeted by an otherworldly glow filtering through the dense canopy above. The air carried the crisp scent of pine, and the distant murmur of a babbling brook echoed through the ancient forest. Surrounding her, the moonlit glade unveiled towering trees with gnarled branches, their leaves rustling in a gentle nocturnal breeze.

As she pushed herself upright, Amelia noticed the soft moss beneath her fingers and the intricate patterns of luminescent flora that adorned the forest floor. The air felt charged with an ethereal energy, as if the very essence of time lingered in the dappled moonlight.

In her hands, Amelia had the mysterious book.

Something wrong has happened. She was in her grandma's house before coming here.Fear gripped Amelia's heart as the unfamiliar surroundings heightened her anxiety. Clutching the mysterious book tightly, she staggered to her feet and began to run through the moonlit glade, the shadows of the ancient trees closing in around her.

The haunting sounds of the forest seemed to amplify her trepidation, and every rustle in the underbrush sent shivers down her spine. Moonbeams danced on the forest floor, creating an eerie path ahead. Amelia's breath quickened, and her pulse echoed in her ears as she navigated the mystical realm.

Soon Amelia became tired. There was no point of running. She was in her bed at her grandma's house. Now somehow she has ended up here, though she couldn't remember  how and when it happened. Everything seemed unfamiliar to her. She couldn't understand what to do.

"Who are you?"
Amelia flinched hard as she heard a deep voice. There was an elderly man standing in front of her. His eyes, reflecting the pale moon  glow, met with her's with a hint of curiosity and concern.

"Who are you?" He asked again. His voice carrying a hint of ancient echoes. Amelia hesitated, the mysterious book clutched against her chest , as the man extended a reassuring hand.

"I-I am Amelia."
"Nice to meet you Amelia. My name is Elarion. "
Elarion, with warmth in his eyes, offered her a reassuring smile.

" What are you doing in this forest? It's not so safe place."

Amelia hesitated a little but she had no other choice. " I-i think I am l-lost." She was almost in the verse of crying.

Elarion seemed concerned as he asked, " Where are your parents?"

"They are no more. I grew up with my grandma but I think I have also lost her..."

Elarion felt really bad for this girl. She seemed so lost and vulnerable.

" What is the date today? "

Elarion, unaware of Amelia's situation, sensed her confusion and simply observed the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. He offered a warm smile and said, " The current season is autumn, and the Harvest Moon Festival approaches. It is a joyous time, filled with festivities and the gathering of the community. You should also join!"

Amelia was uncertain about what to do. She couldn't just trust anyone in this unknown place. She couldn't even understand what was he saying.

Elarion sensed her fear. " I am a healer. Was traveling around to help others. Now I have decided to settle down in the human village. Umm...You can come with me. I will tell everyone that you are my daughter if you wish. No one will question it."

" B-but how c-can I.. "

" Nothing to be worried Amelia. You will stay as long as you want. But It is not wise to leave you here. Any creature can harm you. It is not safe here."

" You said...Human village? "

" Ah.. Are you not from human village? I assumed you were.. "

" No I live very far away from here.. "

" In which kingdom if I may ask? "

" kingdom? I don't know.. "

" Oh.. no problem. In human village no other creatures can do anything. It is very safe. "

" Other creatures? "

" Ah.. You know.. like werewolves, vampires can't harm you there."

Amelia completely froze. Then she knew Everything was Wrong!!

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