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Violets point of view    —————————————
I was pushed against the hood of the car.

I couldn't move. His body weight on top of me weighed me down and i was frozen in fear.

I could hear is belt buckle come undone as he reached for the front of my pants. I was crying and screaming "please no not again!" i cried out in hopes he would stop.

But instead he yelled at me to shut up " Im sorry im sorry i wont ask anymore just please not again please!" he tightened his grip on me more as he struggled to get the button of my pants undone.

I didn't know what to do so i kept pleading for him to stop but he wouldn't. This isn't the first time he has done this though.

I was shocked when it happened for the first time, after he had killed my family.

Before the world went to shit i lived with my parents and my two brothers. The man i'm with was my dads good friend Jonathan. I used to see him as an uncle growing up but now all i see is a monster.

Once the world ended he took it as his chance to kill my entire family. Except my dad, who was out on a supply run when it happened. Jonathan killed my mom and brothers then took me and ran off.

I didn't know what he did at first since i was only 9 years old and he told me that my dad wasn't ever coming back and that the biters got my mom and brother's. I believed him yet i wish i didn't. After we ran we found a small group of men and then eventually we all found shelter. I couldn't quite identify what the building was that we had found but i honestly didn't care.

I was kept in a small dark room and was all alone. Jonathan and those men would always come in to give me food but only every now and then. But then it escalated to them beating me when i asked for stuff such as food or water and then it turned into basically being tortured and r*ped by each and everyone of them.

It's been a few years and I should be about 12 but It doesn't matter since i had no idea what was going on in the outside world anymore and will probably be kept locked away. But eventually the other guys took off and Jonathan of course blamed it on me.

He wouldn't feed me for days and would torture and do things to me that no kid should ever go through. But just the other day we took off after finding a car and now i'm here.

I asked for a sip of water and that made Jonathan mad and thats how I'm in this current situation. I don't know where my dad is and if he is even alive. All of this ran through my head as Jonathan kept trying to get my pants undone.

I stopped screaming when i heard a man yelling "Let go of her!" Jonathan sat up with me still in front of him.

I seen a shorter man who i think is Chinese or something but he had some nicer looking clothes and looked well fed. I was frozen in fear once i heard Jonathan talk again "why should I, Its not like i did anything" Jonathan said as he had an arm around my waist and a gun to my head. The man spoke again "you know what you did now quit it and let her go." the man spoke in a fierce tone but Jonathan began speaking again "quit doing what? This?" he said as he began sliding one hand up my shirt and the other to my waistband.

I was frozen and couldn't do anything but the sound of a gunshot rang through my ears as the spot Jonathan once stood behind me was now empty and filled with air.

I looked up at the guy who was now putting his gun back in it's holster then taking a step towards me. I quickly stepped away scared of what he was gonna do to me but instead of him moving forward anymore he stopped and knelt down and started talking to me "i'm not gonna hurt ya. My name's glenn. Glenn rhee, and I have a camp, a prison where theres food and water and even showers you can clean yourself up in. Theres a doctor and beds and even other kids there. There's protection."

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