A new world

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Previously on what if goku was in highschool DXD

Narrator: we previously saw how goku's friends and family betrayed him and locked him in the time chamber.

Goku:( wondering why they did this as he wonders he comes to a conclusion that they hate him and he promised himself that he will never forgive them.) The will see when i get out they will all pay every last one of them.

Bulma's place: ( she sees that vegeta, beerus and whise all of a sudden was confused and ask) what is wrong guys.

They: goku's energy just dissepeared like completely.

Bulma: what are you saying t.that goku is dead.

Vegeta: no, if he was dying his ki would slowly dissepear, not just vanished completely.

Lord beerus: something is wrong here wish search for Goku and find out what happened.

Wish: yes my lord.

As wish taps his staff and looking into it he sees what happened to goku and tells them what he saw.

Whise: oh may it looks like all his friends and family except for us has turned there back on him, and locked him in the time chamber.

Everyone was shocked when hearing that.

Vegeta/Bulma: so they did it.( They asked angrily.)

Beerus: what do you mean. Did you know about this.

Them: yes and no lord beerus.

Beerus: what do you mean with yes and no.

They explain everything to the god of destruction and with every word he got more and more pissed at them. He told Vegeta to get the dragon balls.

Vegeta: (ask) why lord Beerus.

Beerus: don't question me just do it. Now!!!!

Vegeta nods and ask Bulma for the dragon radar, she gets up and gives it to him as he fly's away.

-------------Dxd universe---------------

It was a hot summers day we see a boy with his 2 prevented friends looking at girls from there new highschool koua academy. The school day ends and issie and his friends was busy walking home when a beautiful black haird girl called issie asking if he would be her boyfriend.

Issie: are you sure you want to date me, do you know what the rest of the school calls me.

The girl: ( nods her head) yes i do but i still love you.

Issie: yes i would love to be your boyfriend, how about we meet on Saturday for a date.

The girl: yes!!! see you on Saturday then.

Time skip till after the date.

It was night time and the girl came clean and then killed issie but he was saved by raise gremory. The next morning issie woke up and saw a pair of big beautiful breasts. He got happy as raise also woke up and got dressed.

Issie: where am i he asked.

Rais: the research culb.

Issie: what !! How did i get hear the last thing i remember was m.my ( his face turned into realization as he remembers what happened to him) i was on a date with a, girl and after the date she told me that she was, a fallen angel sent her to kill me and then she threw a spear straight, throug my heart.

Rais: well issie we are going to school so you tell no one about what happened, and after school you come here so we can talk understand.

Issie:( nods his head and leaves) oh yeah i have to go to school.

Back in dragon ball vers.

Vegeta came back with the dragon balls as they call out shenron as the balls glow and the dragon appears.

Shenron: state your 3 wishes and i will grant them.

Vegeta: (askes lord beerus) Lord beerus what should we wish for.

Beerus: for unlimited food for goku, immortality for Goku and cellular regeneration.

Shenron: your wishes are granted.

Back in the time chamber.

Goku was wondering why they did this after he layed his life on the line for them multiple times. As he started to train to get out of here. It was about a hundred years in the time chamber while only ten days has past on the outside.

Goku: ( he remembers how Gotenks got out of the time chamber he charges up all his powers going through his transformations he created a portal to a other dimension as the portal pulles him through he was transported to an other world.) What the hell is going on where am i going and what the hell is going on with my body ( Goku's body was turned back into an teen.

Dxd vers

As the school day ended issie was back at the club house with the rest of the gremory peeruge. Raises peeruge members are rias,akeno,keneko and kiba.

Issie: you wanted to talk to me rais.

Rais: yes issie you are not a human anymore.

Issie: what yes i am.

Everyone: no you are not your a demon like us.

Rais show's her wings and so does everyone else and then rais snaps her fingers and issie's wings appear he sees this, and gets excited and rais explain everything to him. As they are about to leave kiba sees something strange in the sky.

Kiba: what is that ( he piont's to the sky making everyone look.) 

As the portal closes goku come falling like a rocket from the sky impacting on the ground making a massive creator. Rais and her whole peeruge runs to the impact site and sees a young muscular teen about the same age as rais laying on the ground. They pick him up and take him to the club.

Akeno: who is he.

Issie: where's he from.

Kiba: the better question is, what is he ( pointing at goku's tail.)

Goku's eyes start's to open up.
Goku: ugh that hurt and where am i.( He looks around and sees all the people around him) who are you people ( as he is sensing some kind of weird power coming from them.)

They are my subordinates rais answer's.

Rais: and who are you.

Goku: i am son Goku but you can call me Goku.

He gets up and trying to sensing his friends ki but nothing, he could not find them.

And that it for this part see you in the next part

What if goku was betrayed and send to the DxD universe Where stories live. Discover now