Meeting a pervert

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As goku walks to his class room he hears all the girls talk about him, when he makes it to his class he knocks on the door he hears some say come in, he then opens the door and walk inside.

Inside the classroom

???: and who might you be young man

Goku: my name is Goku miss and i am the new transfer student.

???: okay introduce yourself to the class please.

Goku: yes miss, good morning everyone my name is son Goku and i am the new transfer student, i like to eat, train, fight and i hate perverts, and people who hurt my friends.

???: good Goku now my name is Sarah and i am your home room teacher now students do you have any questions for mr Goku here.

(A/N random girl: RG random boy: RB Mega Shenron: MS)

RG1: do you have a girlfriend

Goku:(mind well i had a wife and two sons wait shenron i have a wish. Mega Shenron: what is your wish goku. Goku: i wish that me and chi chi where divorced. Mega Shenron: your wish is granted anything else Goku. Goku: i wish i was as smart as Bulma and i had my tail but can you make it so no normal person can see it. Mega Shenron: your wish is granted anything else or can i sleep now. Goku: no that is all for now thanks Sharon) no i don't have a girlfriend.

RG2: how much do you train to a muscular body like that.

Goku: my whole life.

RB1: what would you do if you see any boy spying on the girls getting dressed.

Goku: i would beat the living shit out of them.

Every boy in class were scared shitless.

Teacher: that is enough questions for now Goku you can sit over next to issie. Issie please raise your hand.

Issie raises his hand.

Issie: hey my name is issie good to meet you.

Goku: hey issie good to meet you too. Oh and by the way if you ever think that you and your friends and going to spy on the girls then think again, so you better change your ways or deal with me.

Issie's mind:( oh shit i am going to get my ass handed to me if i don't change). Yes i will change

Goku: you better and tell your friends the same thing please.

Issie: nods.

Next is issie's reincarnation as a devil

What if goku was betrayed and send to the DxD universe Where stories live. Discover now