Chapter 02

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Louis's POV.

I got home from practice and ran upstairs to my room to shower because I hated being sweaty. After having a quick shower and changing into sweats and a baggy t-shirt, I went downstairs to grab a bite. No one else was home. No one usually is at this time anyway. My Mom would be at work and Lottie, my sister, at ballet lessons. I made myself a sandwich and went upstairs again.

It was too early to start doing my homework anyway because I always do it right before I go to sleep. I took my phone out of my backpack because I was bored and started scrolling through Instagram for a while until I got bored of that as well. I was about to leave the phone to go watch telly when I noticed there was one notification on Snapchat. I don't really use it much because I don't have many friends on it but I was curious what the notification was, so I opened the app. Someone had added me on Snapchat.

Kiwi_x. That was the snapchat username of the person who added me.

I didn't know who this was. There was no bitmoji as well, at least to guess who it was by the look of the bitmoji. I added them back anyway. Then I kept the phone aside and walked downstairs to watch some telly.

I was absentmindedly flipping through the channels trying to find something to watch and my mind started wandering. It was a boring, slow day. The only exciting thing that actually happened was meeting Harry. I don't really know why I find this exciting, but weirdly, it did feel like something.

I thought back to how I ran into him, and how we both fell over. How I noticed him staring at me during lunch in the cafeteria, walking with him to class, and meeting him once more after school. Those green eyes were slowly beginning to paint vivid portraits in my mind. Why am I so caught up in those eyes? It's all I seem to notice about him. Well that and the cute, dimpled smile. But those eyes. Damn those eyes. They seem to blur the surroundings when I stared at them for too long.

I was drawn back to reality by the loud noise in the television. That is when I noticed I had stopped flipping through channels and had randomly stopped at the discovery channel which was showing a documentary on something called a 'Sperm Whale', the loudest animal in the world. And I was watching that (unintentionally obviously) and gaping like an idiot with a huge smile on my face.

I thanked my lucky stars that no one was home. If anyone saw me smiling so wide at something called a sperm whale, I would have been sent to therapy immediately. I chuckled at myself and went back upstairs. The rest of the day went by as I did my homework, had dinner, and called it a day.


I woke up the next day to my Mom's grumbling, telling me how I will be late today as well if I didn't get out of bed now. I ignored her until she came and pulled the duvet off of me. I whined and turned my back to her to sleep some more. But then she ruffled my hair and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Boo bear, that's enough. Please go get ready my love. I made eggs for breakfast and there's orange juice in the fridge. I'm heading out now with Lottie. Please eat before you go, yeah?" she told me while stroking my hair. I nodded while still having my eyes closed.

I heard her leave my room. I did, however, get out of my bed, unwillingly, and dragged myself to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, still having my eyes closed and trying not to doze off.

I was properly woken up when the cold water of the shower hit my face. I shivered a bit but continued for another five minutes, properly rinsing my hair. I walked out while drying my hair with a towel and got into a pair of blue jeans and my favourite black t-shirt with a V-neck, and my black sneakers.

I had a bit of breakfast and juice. I washed my plate and glass and went back to grab my olive green windbreaker from the closet. I tried not to reason why this had suddenly become my 'favourite' jacket when I hadn't worn it more than twice before today. The colour green for me was now associated with something that made my heart thump a tad bit faster. 

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