Chapter 04

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Harry's POV

I couldn't reply to Louis because I was scared, he might see me typing. Instead, I put the phone back into my pocket. I hated to keep him hanging but this had to wait. I could not concentrate during the rest of the period. However, I vaguely heard Ms. Dawson talking about a museum. I'm not sure what it was and didn't want to dwell on it too much since my mind was preoccupied with the thoughts of something else.

When Art was over, me and Louis walked out of the class together to go to our next classes. I had English and he had Maths. "So," he asked me, "Are you excited?". I was very confused. "About what?" I asked him. "The trip to the museum, dummy. I know how much you love art. Ms. Dawson mentioned that the class will be taken to The National Gallery in London next week".

"Oh, she did? I wasn't listening. But yeah, that is exciting news" I smiled at those blue eyes. I realized that when I stare for too long, I could actually see them sparkling. Like the ocean, when sunbeams make the water glow, making it look like the waves glistened before rising up. I wanted to tell Louis that I wasn't excited about the museum, but rather about being able to share this trip experience with him. But obviously I couldn't tell him that.

With the promise of meeting after school, we parted ways.

I got to class and took my usual seat next to Allison. She smiled at me and continued writing in her notebook. I quickly took my phone out to respond to Louis's snapchat message before the teacher walked into class. I felt butterflies all over again, not just in my tummy but all over my body, when I read the last text Louis sent me.

"Thinking of you, out of the blue :) Look at me rhyming and shit :P".

I typed 'Well aren't you becoming quite the poet. But what made you think of me?' and hit send. I was still blushing when Allison peeked over my hand to see what was on my screen. I quickly turned my phone away from her.

"Rude!" she said, wearing a pretend scowl. "Heyyyy", I protested. "I'm not. I just can't tell you yet".

She scoffed and looked away, rolling her eyes at me. I just laughed and looked back at my phone. He was typing!!! HE WAS TYPING!

Tommo28: What took you so long huh?

Kiwi_x: Sorry I was trying to get from one class to another and just got in. You haven't answered me yet though. What made you think of me? ;)

Tommo28: Well, should there be a specific reason? Can't I randomly think of you?

Kiwi_x: Aren't you a smooth talker? Are you always like this?

Tommo28: Not with everyone. My charm is reserved for a very few people.

Kiwi_x: What's that supposed to mean?

Tommo28: Nothing. So tell me something..

Kiwi_x: What?

Tommo28: I dunno.. something.. Just ask me a question.

Kiwi_x: LOL what do you MEAN?

Tommo28: I dunno Shadow, I'm bored. And you always ask me stuff. Like interesting questions. I love answering them.

Kiwi_x: Haha, fine then. What's your biggest fear? What are you scared of the most?

Tommo28: Ooh that's a tough one. Umm.. I would have to say, losing the people I love.

Kiwi_x: Oh, yeah I know what you mean.

Tommo28: Well, what's yours?

Kiwi_x: Well, mine is pretty much the same. I do not want to lose the people I have around me. 'cos I haven't got many. Which has actually manifested a new fear within me lately.

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