Chapter 07

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Louis's POV

It was Sunday morning. Sundays were my favourite. A typical Sunday in my life meant sleeping in till noon, waking up and having waffles and coffee with Mom and Lottie, watching movies on the couch, going out for Pizza for dinner and having ice cream on our way home. It was always the same.

Some days, while walking home, licking on my mint and chocolate chip cone, I'd look at Mom and Lottie talking animatedly and licking on their own ice-creams. Mom always had berry swirl and Lottie had strawberry shortcake. And I would smile to myself, enjoying my perfect Sunday.

This Sunday was going to be a bit different though. Maybe a different kind of perfect, I hoped. It was the day of the museum trip, and I was weirdly excited, despite having no particular attraction to any sort of Art. Although deep down I knew why I might be excited, I tried to act dumb and fool myself into thinking I didn't know why after all.

I leaped out of bed and hurled myself into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and showered. We had to be at the train station at 8.30 AM to catch the train to London, which was at 9.11 AM. Mom had promised to drive me to the station and we were supposed to pick Harry up on the way.

I was trying to decide what to wear when I heard Mom yell from downstairs. "Boo Bear, Breakfast is ready. Do you want to eat before you go, or shall I pack some waffles and berries for you to have on your way?"

"Could you please pack some Mom?" I yelled back. "Okay" she replied.

"Mommmm?" I shouted again. "Yeah?" she responded. "Could you pack a little more for Harry as well?"

I heard her chuckle. "Sure baby, I will".

I ended up wearing a white T-shirt and black skinnies and my black vans. I grabbed my dark blue denim jacket off the clothing rack where all my jackets and hoodies were hung. I scanned my reflection in the mirror before I left the room and I looked decent enough. My hair was still wet though. I always leave it to dry on its own because it makes my hair look messy, just how I like it. I started walking downstairs but turned and went back into my room and dabbed myself with some of my favourite cologne. God knows why I was putting so much effort on looking (and smelling) good today.

When I got downstairs, Mom was already standing at the door with her car keys and the small box of waffles she had packed for me and Harry. She smiled and handed me the box and reached out to run her fingers through my hair. I gave her a hug. I never forgot to give her a hug every morning.

We got into the car and Mom started driving. It was about a 10-minute drive to Harry's House from mine. I texted him "On the way" and got a reply immediately saying, "I'm ready and already standing outside". I chuckled to myself. Before I put my phone back in my pocket however, I sent a snap to Kiwi with the caption 'Good morning sunshine!". Over the weeks, we had got into this routine of saying good morning to each other, me with a snap and she just sent a text. I sometimes wondered why she wasn't ready to reveal who she was yet.

She replied instantaneously with her 'Good Morning Star' message as if she had already typed it out. I smiled at how 'Football star' had casually turned out to be 'star' now.

"I'll be gone most of the day. I have the museum tour for Art History class today and I'm headed to London. Will catch you later, once I get home :)", I sent.

"Oh um, okay. Have fun. Take care", Kiwi replied. I put my phone inside my pocket right when Mom took the bend leading to Harry's House. I could see him now, standing outside under the lime tree. Its leaves that had turned bright yellow were whispering in the cool morning breeze.

He was wearing a white T-shirt underneath a black and white flannel shirt, with black jeans and a pair of white converse. He had his backpack hung in front of him, hugging it. I stared at his sideswept fringe, the two silver necklaces he wore and his silver rings. It was cute how he always accessorized his outfits with little pieces of jewellery, or a bandana, or a simple beanie. He gave us his brightest smile when he saw the car pulling up, revealing his perfect dimples.

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