Chapter 10

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Louis' POV

It was a Sunday afternoon, and I was lying in bed. The first match of the Premier League Schools Cup is tomorrow, and I was a bundle of nerves. The past few weeks had flown by in a blur, my schedule being crammed with schoolwork and footie practice. However, despite all that, I still had two major problems. One; I still hadn't figured out who Kiwi was, or rather, come to terms with the fact that Ashley is Kiwi...? (sigh). Two; Harry.

I don't know what it was, but ever since the museum trip, and especially after I heard him singing the song he wrote, I just kept feeling things that I didn't quite know how to describe. Whenever I tried to think about whatever these feelings were, all my thoughts would end up in a tangled mess, leaving me even more confused.

I sighed loudly and covered my face with my pillow. I heard my phone chime and looked at the screen and saw the snapchat notification. It was Kiwi.

"Whatchu up to Louuu?"

"I'm still mad at you Shadow. You still didn't tell me who you are. I'm shamelessly bringing this up again, cos you were the one who told me two weeks ago that you would meet me wearing white. I don't recall us meeting!" I replied.

I immediately got a response from her. "But we did meet! And mind you, it ended up being a good day (for me at least)."

See, this is what I mean. All the fucking clues tell me it's her. But how come it doesn't feel like it's her? It doesn't feel right.

After the first date I had with Ashley, I didn't really ask her out again. Although I ran into her during school and had a little banter during practice, we never had time alone. Niall kept pushing me to ask her out again. He thought my awkward first date was just normal and not a big deal, because both of us were probably nervous and that the second one will be better. And I kept postponing it.

I wish she would just admit it. That she in fact was Kiwi, so that I can stop second guessing and start accepting her completely. Maybe then, with no grain of doubt in my mind, I can finally date her sincerely.

"For how long are we going to do this? It's actually driving me nuts. It's my first footie match of the season tomorrow. And I'm nervous as fuck! On top of this, I keep thinking about you". I typed the message and hit send.

"Please don't say that Lou, it breaks my heart. I know how you feel, and I swear I have no intention of hurting you. It's just that, I've been waiting for the perfect moment to tell you, and it just never seems to come. I guess I'm just terrified of losing what we have". Her text made me feel sorry for her.

I sighed and opened the snapchat camera. I took a picture of myself pouting and typed "me sad" as the caption and sent it to Kiwi, to lighten the mood.

"He he aww such a cutie. Okay, tomorrow, I'll be there at the game. Deal?", her reply assured.

"But how will I know it's you?" I sent and got the response within seconds.

"I'll be the one cheering the loudest". Well, obviously, because you are the head cheerleader, aren't you? I stopped myself from sending this to her though.


It's the day of the match. I have never been nervous before a match. Well, not this much at least. Coach Mason gathered us all up after the warmup session to give us his little motivational speech before the game.

"Alright lads, the warmup was good, and I know the game's gonna be better. The game depends on how good we start tonight. We can shock the other team at the very beginning of the game if we play this right. Let's start with a high tempo alright? We can win this with the technicality. Keep buzzing out there, do your thing and let's win this game ALRIGHT?", he finished his pep talk and the entire team cheered.

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