1. Don't Get Caught

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I tiptoe down the emerald green spiral staircase hoping not to wake the boys. I've been living here for weeks in a row and not once have I been caught. As I was admiring my sneakyness I violently ( but some how quietly ) trip and roll down the last seven stairs. I land on a small pile of pillows. I sit up quickly checking to see if anyone woke up. I touch my hair and realize how messy it was. I pat it back down a rake through it with my fingers.

Me~ " Maybe it's not being sneaky. Probably just luck. " I say quietly.

I guess I wasn't quiet enough because one of the boys sleeping down stairs pop up, still half sleep. At first I was worried because he started talking.

???~ " Yo Princeton,did you hear that?" He mumbled

Princeton ~ "No man. Now go to sleep." He said sleepily still laying down.

Next thing I know, the one named Princeton hits the other one dead in the face with a pillow. The other boy fell back into the pillow he was laying on and went back to sleep. I giggled and Princeton heard me.

I hid under the pile of pillows I fell in. He didn't notice or hear me and he went back to sleep.

Phew that was close. I thought to myself. I forgot what I came down here for and I was still sleepy since it was like...around 3:14am, so I fell asleep under the pillows.


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