5. A Secrect Talent

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3 hours later.....

Princeton POV

I woke up because I was starving. I was also bored so I went to look in the the kitchen for some tv dinners. All I saw was a bunch of foods that I didn't know how to cook.....or use. I left the kitchen to see if Prodigy could cook for me or at all.

Prince~" Prod you know how to cook? "

Prodigy~" No you? "

Prince~" Obviously not. "

Prodigy ~" Go ask Tionna if she can. "

Prince~" Man we ain't got ask her. I'll just make something. " The only thing I really know how to make is eggs. Usually we'd ask our chef to make something but we gave her a 2 month vaca. I turned around to offer Ray some food.

Prince~" Ray yo-" I turned around expecting Ray to be there and he wasn't of course.

I ran upstairs and into his room ... he wasn't there. Ugh.

I bet he creeping around Tionna room.

I went across the hall into her room.He wasn't creeping around her he sleeping in her bed all close to her and was facing her.

Prodigy~" Gross "

I left and went downstairs and in the kitchen.

Tionna POV

I wake up and look over at the clock. I'm just now getting up? Dang. Anyway, I sit up and I see Ray asleep in my bed. Really. He looks peaceful, and adorable when he's asleep.

I got up and went down stairs. Princeton and Prodigy are awake. Prince was in the kitchen making what smelled like *sniffs* eggs? And Prodigy is watching tv.

Me~" What are you doing? "

Prince~ " Making eggs. "

Me~" At like... 8:40 something p.m."

Prince~" Yeah I guess. I would cook bu-"

Me~" You don't know how to cook do you?"

Prince~" Not a clue."

Wow these guy can't cook. Did not see that coming. *Gasp* what if none of them can cook?

Me~" Man, let me show you how to cook. I learned a little somin somin about cooking back in my day" Before I ran away, my mom wanted to be a chef so she would always have her little helper help HER cook so I learned a few tricks on cooking. You see what I did there. Helper,help her..... y-you don't get it. Oh....well then.

Prince~" We're the same age so what you mean back in yo day?"

Me~" Whatever you know what I mean. "

I whipped out a 4 steaks and 8 potatoes from the frigerator got to work. I through the steaks in some marinera sauce and let that sit for about half an hour and wrap up the potatoes and tossed them in the oven. After the steaks we're done I threw them on the oven. (not literally) While the steaks cook I made a chicken salad for me. I felt eyes on me as I cooked. I turned around and Princeton and Prodigy were staring me down.

Me~" Um may I help you?"

Princeton POV

Tionna~" Um may I help you."

I look at Prod and look at me.

Prince~" Naw naw just keep doing yo thing."

Tionna~" Uh okay."

Okay so she cute and she can throw down in the kitchen? Well let's see if if it's good cause I'm starving.

Prodigy POV

Okay well I didn't expect a whole meal. I thought she was gon make us a sandwhich not dinner. Hopefully it's good cause I'm hungry.


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