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I told the boys why I was staying here. They seemed surprised at how long I've been here. Why they surprised? I don't know. But boys will be boys.

Ray~"So you ran away when you were 13?

Me~"Yes.It was pretty hard. I love my fam but it was miserable living there and I just couldn't take it anymore. So I thought why should I stay when I could just run." I put my head down.

Ray~" It's OK." He said rubbing my back. I didn't realize how cold it was until he touched me. I shivered.

Prodigy~ " But if you were in Michigan how'd you get here?"

Me~" Honestly, I really don't know. But I had been saving money from all the jobs I've had in the past ( like 2 or 3 ) they paid real well, anyway I bought a round-the-world plane ticket. Yes, I was 12 when I got my first job. After that it was pretty easy for me to get one since I was gold at hard work. Anyway, this was my first stop. I had a lot of money and bought a small but nice hotel room. But then one day..." This was always the hard part to think about. Now I got to talk about. This was always the part that started the water works.

Me~" One day, I was walking home from a long ass night shift..." I sniffled. Oh no. Here we go. I thought to myself. "There were these gangsters or thugs or whatever you wanna call it, across the street. They crossed over to me and they smelled like achohol. So I kind of already knew what was next." I started to cry.

They moved closer to me. I'm guessing they were thinking about trying to comfort me.

Get a hold of yourself T. I need to calm myself down. I can't be crying like this... at least not in front of them. So I tried to stop snifflin.

"Anyway, they stole my money and left me there hurt and broke. It was a good thing I was able to call the police. They all were caught and the police drove me to where I wanted to go. I gave them this address and they left. I was alone, in pain, and broke. I was walking down the street when I found this place. I just needed a place to chill. I never really came out of where I was until last night. But I'm sorry I snuck in and woke y'all up. So I guess I'll be on my way." To where? I don't know but that'll be my prob, not theirs.

I stood up to leave and get my things. I didn't have too many things so it should be quick and easy. But then I felt a hand pull me back.

I turned to see that it was Ray-Ray.

Ray~" We only wanted to know why you were here. You don't have to leave."

Prodigy ~" Yeah, you ain't gotta go baby."

Roc~" Yeah especially since Ray got a crush on you."

Ray grabbed a pillow and basically punched Roc with it. I bust out laughing which made everybody else laugh. Even Roc.

Me~"Well if y'all sayin I can stay then I guess I'll be going back up stairs and lay down for a bit. "

Boys~" OK. See ya."

Me~" See ya."


Ray-Ray POV

Tionna went up stairs to chill. That just leaves us.

Prodigy~"Well, I'm going back to sleep."
Roc~"Me too."

Princeton~"Me three."

Me~"I'm gon stay up."

Roc~" Ite, but don't stalk the girl."

Me~"Haha real funny."

After a while everyone fell asleep besides me. I got bored and since the boys are asleep I decided to try my luck with Tionna and get to know her.
I went upstairs.

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