Hearts of Fire

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Running. That's all I can do right now. Nothing else. Just...run...
"Where you going punk?!" Yelled one of the guys chasing me. I don't answer. Mostly because if I do my mouth will just dig me in deeper, and partly because no matter what I say I can't save myself. Eventually my legs feel like giving out under me, my lungs burning, my body begging for air. 'I need to find somewhere to stop...' I think to myself. I look around and my eyes land on what appears to be an abandoned warehouse. I should be able to lose them in there... So I ran into the warehouse.
"He's running in there!" I heard one of the guys yell. I look around as soon as I get in there. i find a corner filled with shadows and I smile hugely. I sprint to the corner and press my body up against the wall.
"Hello shadows my old friend" I whisper to myself. Throughout the years the shadows have been my best friend. The shadows have hidden me , kept me safe, never hurt me, and most of all never left me. After a few minutes I hear the group burst in through the door. I can see them perfectly fine. Whether or not they can see me is a entirely different ballgame.
"Where'd that kid go...?" They look around and one wanders dangerously close to the light switches. If he turns the lights on i'm done. Thankfully he walks right past the lights. I almost let out a sigh of relief. Then one walks towards me. I hold my breath not making a single move. The guy seemingly stares at me for what felt like an eternity before turning around.
"He's not here..." Then someone sees the lights. They hit the switches turning the lights on. I look around the surrounding area to see if there's anything I can use to get out of here before they see me, and to my luck there's a hole in the wall just on the other side of the boxes i'm next to. It's risky. I know that much but what's life without taking a few risks? A boring one that's what it is. I then quietly move the boxes enough for me to move past them and get to the hole. I crouch and silently move to the hole. Just 6 feet away. 3 now. So close. Then , just my luck, I trip over a can kicking it making a bunch of noise. I freeze in place. They group now knows where I am. One comes from somewhere behind me and blocks the hole. I'm blocked from getting out unnoticed. They then corner me.

"Lookie here its that brat that's cost us so much" He grins showing his nasty yellow,crooked, teeth. I resist the urge to say something about his teeth. I slowly back up and then see a gap between the group. However its closing quickly. If I want to get out of here I need to go now. Just as I'm about to run one of them grabs my arms and pins them behind me. There was only 4 of them when I got here. I glance behind me and see 8...no 10 more people who must have came in through the back. The guy with the crooked teeth grabs a gun from his back pocket and points it at me. My heart is pumping wildly in my chest at this point. and he puts his finger on the trigger ready to pull it. Thoughts of how scared I am of death fill my head long with my will of living. after a few milliseconds I feel the room getting hotter and hotter. The guy with the gun drops the gun his face full of horror and I feel my arms being let go. I hear a guy scream some.
"W-What the hell is that kid...!?!" I have no idea what is going on right now. and I see him starting to sweat. and I look at his forehead to see a flickering light. Almost like a fire... and its right where I should be standing... I look down at my arms to see whats happening. I nearly scream when I see what happened to myself. I'm on fire, and it's scared these guys silly. I grin and look around at them.
"You guys should leave before you get burned" I grin evilly mostly for effect. They look nervous and don't move. I decide to employ some scare tactics. I throw a punch not intending for anything to happen. As I stop my fist a ball of fire separates from my fist and flies into the guy in front of me knocking him backwards, onto the floor and sliding towards the far wall, on fire. I stand there confused and I hear the rest of them scream and hear them leave. I start feeling myself losing control and that's when my body spreads the fire all over the place. Within a few minutes the place is on fire. I pass out for a few minutes and when I come to the place is no longer on fire and my arms are still on fire burning strongly. I'm still surprised by the fact that the fire doesn't hurt me at all. I hear sirens . Great how am I going to explain this...my arms are on fire, the warehouse was as well and there's a dead guy.
"Jin Arai Sakai we know you're in there and the cause to all this. Come out now and we won't have to use force." Who the hell is that? I never tell anyone my name...well my real one anyway. I learned that the hard way 3 years ago when I was 8 .

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