The Beginning of The Storm

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A few years have passed since that whole warehouse incident of mine. Life has treated me pretty good since then.
"Jin! Get over here right now!!" Well...sorta... Alek had stormed over to me looking pissed off. 
"Woah there my friend... what are you busting a nut about?"
"You know good and well why im..." He sighed obviously starting to give up. "You did this!" he pointed to his neck which had a fairly decent sized chunk missing from it.
"Oh that...relax some would ya? You'll just regen it later anyway why does it matter?" 
"I know that much but your missing the point here" 
"There's a point here?" He growled slightly which was slightly terrifying if I do say so myself.
"I may be able to regen it back but I can't shift until this has healed and for all we know E.C.H.O. is preparing an attack right now" E.C.H.O. is an organization with no apparent leader who absolutely hates anyone who goes against their " beliefs" which if you ask me sounds like an organization that I heard of from a friend who was part of for a while...Unknown or something like that cant recall the name really.
"Pfft please if they were we would have known by now." Alek knew i had him there. E.C.H.O. has the tendency to not even bother when making a move against us. Which has ultimately lead to their defeat all the time when they try to attack us. Which for some reason they haven't figured out yet. Hey never said they were the brightest people alive. 
"Look just..ugh forget it" He stormed off. Alex had walked up to me after seeing Alek storming off. We had gotten friendlier with each other over the years due to us going on missions together a lot. 
"What was that about?"

"Oh he just lost a bit of his neck and he's freaking out about it" 
"Won't he just regenerate it back in a bit?"

"Yeah  that's what I told him..." I shrugged. 

"Well wanna go grab something to eat?" 
"Sure why not" Now i'm nit sure whats been going on but lately Alex has been wanting to spend a bunch of time with me for some odd reason. well i'll figure it out eventually. So we left the building and we went to this little diner towards the edge of the town called Country Inn Diner and no there isnt a motel or anything with that name. we've always gone there since our first successful mission as a team.
"Well isn't it my two favorite customers!" Emily a nice little old lady around her late 60's mid 70's with grey hair and some pretty impressive tan skin walked out from around the counter her trademark smile plastered on her face like it always is.

"Hey Emily" Alex said smiling back. Emily came over and gave both of us a hug before leading us to the booth we normally sit at. 

"So the regular for you guys then?"
"yup" I nodded as Alex slid into the seat in front of me. Emily nodded and she walked to the back and said a few things to the small amount of staff they had before walking back to her post at the counter. 

"So any plans for tomorrow?" Alex said looking me dead in the eyes. I've never realy been one for eye contact but you know for some reason when it comes to Alex I just ..seem to... I guess what im saying is eye contact with Alex isnt to unbearable.

"Uhh no not that I know of why?" Alex shrugged before giving me an answer.

"Well that grand opening of that arcade downtown is tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go." Ok. Now correct me if im wrong but this sounds a lot like a date of sorts...Meh whatever she doesnt like me like that already know that much.

"Sure yeah sounds like fun." She smiled that smile that does that weird thing to my chest that makes it a little hard to breathe.
"Ok good ..well I got to go to the bathroom." I nodded in response as she stood up and walked back to the bathroom. Not too long after Alex went to that bathroom Emily came over two plates in hand and set them down before looking at me.
"You're a very lucky man."
"Huh? What do you mean...?"
"Oh please don't tell me you haven't seen the way she looks at you..."

"And how's that...?" She smiled softly.

"you know you can be real naive sometimes." 

"No I'm not im just a little unobservant..."

"You know what I meant" She chuckled. "She likes you. A lot that much is obvious." For once I didn't have any way to come back from that. "And I son't blame her you are a very handsome young man if I do say so myself." I'll admit I blushed a little at that. 

"Thanks..." She smiled and nodded standing up walking back to the counter. A few seconds afterwards Alex rushed towards the table. 

"E.C.H.O. just attacked base..."
"What the hell....? How did they manage to launch an attack silently and without us noticing?" 
" have no idea but we need  to get going now" As we made it outside I looked  in the direction of the base and I could already see pillars of smoke rising up to the sky. I never did get to eat my lunch that day. Or go to that arcade opening.

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