The Traitor

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I had overheard Alex talking to Alek. Were they really planning on sending us into a battle with how many wounded we have and with how little our team is? At this rate we're going to end up completely wiped out. What were they planning?

                                                                                       3 Hours Later

I had been patched up by the remaining medics and was ready to go. The plan was send in the strongest team of people we have and do as much damage as possible before being overwhelmed and leave. That team consisted of me, Alex, an earth manipulator named Arin , an explosives guy called Boomstick, and Alek. Honestly I think we could do some serious damage with this team. I mean think about it, Fire, A shapeshifter, Ice, earth and Explosives. I think we got a good team here. We got loaded up in a transport chopper and flew over to E.C.H.O. HQ, Which was located in a forest near the edge of the state. We were dropped off about a mile out from the base otherwise they would have picked up the chopper. 

"Alright, Boomstick, Jin, and Arin you go on ahead and cause some ruckus, Arin anytime its needed make a barrier between the explosions and you three alright?"  Arin nodded. "Alex follow me." She nodded reluctantly,
"Hold on... I need to talk to Jin for a moment" Alek nodded and sighed softly as Alex took my arm and lead me towards the nearest tree.
"What's up...?" 
"Just be careful alright?" I nodded. 
"Yeah of course. When am I not careful?" I said smiling. She smiled back and kissed me before turning around jogging to Alek and disappearing into the treeline. 
"Alright guys lets get it going and blow some stuff up." Said Boomstick. We all nodded and went our directed route to the base.

                                                              56 Minutes Later

Everything went so bad so quick. I don't even know what happened. One second we were setting up the attack and the next...The next Boomstick had just dropped to the ground not breathing. Then we were ambushed. Arin had made a dome of stones around us.
"What the hell happened??"
"I have no clue we were ambushed or something... Someone had to have told them when and where we were attacking."
"Great just what we need-a mole..." A little bit of dirt and stone fell from the dome. "Great...look im going to open part of the dome and you get out of here and run back out of here ill follow behind you." I nodded and readied myself. "The northwest side in 3..." I had been waiting to run a few flames licking up the length of my arms.

"...2..." I had been getting into a sort of a professional runners stance.
"...1..." The northwest side of the dome crumbled and I sprinted out of there as fast as I could. Instantly I was shot at with fire, water,ice , shards of stone, anything you could think of was being shot at me. I got cut a few times but I made it out of the attack with Arin on my tail. 
"I think we made it..." Arin said breathing a little heavy.
"For now...Alex and Alek went that way" I pointed were they had went. "We need to get to them if the same thing happened to them they would have gotten overwhelmed..." Arin nodded.
"Yeah we need to find and help them out" he agreed. We both ran to where we saw the two of them went to. It was relatively quiet the entire way. Which to me was...odd. Eventually I saw Alex on her knees her back facing us. Arin followed and walked in front of me.
"Alex!" I ran over to her stopping when I got to her and kneeled down next to her. 
"D-Don't...i's a trap...Alek set this kill us...go..."

"I can't just leave you here..."
"Well you can't stay..." Before I had a chance to protest again what looked to be a shadow raced up towards Arin and went through his stomach Another went through his lower chest. The top where the points that had gone through him had materialized into hands and lifted Arin off the ground turning him sideways and he started to scream. I just sat there shocked and confused by what was happening as the arms started pulling in separate directions. Eventually the arms literally pulled his tp half from his bottom half dropping him to the ground disappearing. I heard him groan. He was still alive...?How? I quickly scrambled over to him.
"Dude...are you...are you okay?" He looked at me and shook his head.
"P-Please just kill me..." I couldn't  do it...I really couldn't...Suddenly I was thrown back quite a bit as Arin was lifted up and the shadow arms appeared again and it went through his mouth and he screamed again although it was muffled it was quite loud and it quickly pulled out of his mouth dropping something...was that his tongue...? eww...and then he had started clawing at his ears as the arm duplicated itself and both of them went through his eyes and I could only assume...out the back of his head.before disappearing making Arins body dissolve. I looked behind me to look at Alex but she was gone. I couldn't speak. What had just happened...? and where was Alex...?  A loud voice had brought me back from my thoughts and into reality.
"This is what happens when you cross the line. This is for when you destroyed my unit of  hunters sent after you! This is the power of The Black Hoods!" What was he talking about...The Black Hoods...?Wait I remember Alex saying something about those guys when we first met. Said something about wanting to use me as a weapon of mass destruction...How did I destroy a ...wait those guys chasing me all those years ago...? were they part of The Black Hoods? As if reading my mind he answered.
"Thats right they were part of my group. they were Elites." Suddenly I was overcome bu a wave of nausea and buckled over."And your girlfriend...We have her in a holding chamber being held as prisoner. The longer you don't cooperate with my demands the worse she gets hurt. If you dont come to me in by this time next year. I'll force you to help me. and trust me you dont want that." They have Alex...What am I going to do...? What am I doing...? I know what i'm going to do. I'm going to kill those monsters and get her back. Even if it kills me.

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