💚Shut up and let me kiss you💚

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TW for smut

Mika is reader.

3rd Person POV


"What do you mean, you don't plan on running the company?" David yelled across his dinner table.

Mika kept a professional demeanor and breathed, not showing any signs of fear or intimidation. "Dad, we have this conversation once a week, you can't actually be surprised."

David and Mika sat across from each other, paperwork scattered all over the tables surface. Before David could argue anymore, Mika stood up. "It's been great seeing you, truly. But it's getting late." 

As Mika walked out, she could hear her father protest but ignored them. When she got to the car, angry tears threatened to spill, but she blinked them back. She drove back to the mansion knowing she needed to think about anything else. 

Mika's POV


I pulled into the driveway and took a deep breath. I knew people would question how my visit went but I didn't want to think about that. I wanted to think about literally anything than the meeting with my father. I walked into the mansion and successfully avoided any of the brothers before making it to Sam's room. To be honest, I didn't entirely know why I came to his room. I knocked on the door, still questioning what I'm doing. "Who is it?" I heard Sam ask nonchalantly.

"It's me." I yelled back.

"Who's me?" Sam asked sarcastically.

"Mika. Can I come in please?" I asked, trying to hide the desperation in my voice.

Sam opened the door, and I walked in, closing the door behind me. Sam raised an eyebrow. "Damn, you look pissed."

Before I could think about my actions, I pulled Sam's face down to me and kissed him passionately. Before I could pull away and apologize, Sam placed his hands on my waist and pulled me in closer. I felt myself gasp against his lips, him smirking against mine in return. I worried slightly that he was just kissing me back out of sympathy. Those worries disappeared when he began to tug on my bottom lip, asking to deepen the kiss. I complied and parted my lips slightly and let him explore the inside of my mouth with his tongue. Without separating our lips, Sam tightened his grip around my waist and lifted me up, pinning me against the wall. Almost instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around him. Our kiss became needy, refusing to separate even to just breath. I felt his hands hold me up the back of my thighs underneath my skirt. I tightened my legs around him at the feeling as if we could be any closer than we are. His kisses moved to my jaw and neck, leaving what will be hickeys as reminders of his touch. I moan quietly but bite my bottom lip. I doubt the others would enjoy hearing it. I slowly felt him build the enthrallment, making each touch that much more pleasurable. His kisses made their way back to my lips as he leaned us farther to the wall. His hands now touched my panties, massaging my rear. I lightly pulled at his hair, making him groan against my lips. 

I felt us move from the wall and me being laid on the bed, Sam on top of me. Our kiss deepened even more, becoming sloppy. He shamelessly reached under my skirt and grabbed my ass, making my moan again. I moved my hands from behind his neck and reached to remove his jacket. He lifted slightly to remove his shirt as well, his eyes gold with hunger staring deep into mine. He started to attack my neck with kisses again as I began to unbutton my shirt but struggled as I slightly squirmed with pleasure from his touch and enthrallment. Sam lifted me again, only this time placing me on his lap, straddling him. He quickly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off, exposing my lacy bra. He started to lower his kisses as he tried to unclip my bra. I noticed him struggling a bit and giggled before reaching back and unclipping it myself. Sam chuckled when he heard me laugh, but my laugh was cut short my him playing with my nipples, lightly pinching my buds, making me moan. He kissed me again, still massaging my breast. 

He moved his hand on the zipper of my skirt and undid it. I moved my legs so he could remove my skirt and panties all the way. I began to unbutton his pants and he captured my lips with his once again. He leaned me back onto his bed and fully removed his pants and boxers. He laid next to me and kissed me more, slowly moving his hand down my body. When he reached my folds, his eyes flashed gold in desire. He nibbled over my ear and began to rub over my clit in circles, also cranking up the enthrallment. I moaned loudly at the pleasure, his lips muffling the sounds. I continued to moan against his lips as his fingers sped up. I felt my stomach heat up, letting me know my release was coming. "S-Sam I-I'm go...going t-to cum."

Soon after, I orgasmed on his hand and became even more of a moaning mess in his arms. He kissed my shoulder, giving me time to relax before he laid on top of me. It was only then that I noticed the blush on his cheeks which accompanied the desire in his eyes, causing them to flash gold. I pulled his face down into a kiss before whispering in his ear. "Take me, Aomaris."

The use of his real name made him shudder and his eyes began to glow again, only this time they didn't turn back green. He cranked up the enthrallment even more before finally thrusting into me, making me moan at the pressure. As his movement became faster, his groans against my lips became louder. We were unsuccessful in our attempts to be silent but used each other's lips to at least muffle our sounds. He sped up, eventually losing his steady pace and I felt my stomach heat up once again, letting me know we were both near our climax. "Fuck, Mika..." I heard him mumble against my lips.

Suddenly, my back arched in pleasure as I reached my release as his juices filled me. I felt his enthrallment disappear and his eyes were back to their normal, brilliant green color. I smiled at him as he rolled over and pulled me into a tight embrace. Our breaths were labored as I nuzzled my face into his neck. I glanced over at the clock to see it was already 11 o'clock, meaning everyone else was asleep. We held each other until morning, no words needing to be said between us.


The next morning was relaxing. Sam woke me up with a good morning kiss and told me he would check to make sure I could walk out without the others noticing me. We were both pretty efficient at clearing our thoughts around Damien so that was no issue. 

We sat at the dining table and ate eggs, bacon, and cheese grits before Matthew gasped in horror. "Holy crap, what happened to your neck?!" He shrieked.

Suddenly the thoughts of the night before invaded my mind, reminding me of the hickeys that covered me. At my thoughts, Damien choked on his coffee and my face grew hot. Sam seemed to be blushing as well while the others just sat there. Matthew and James seemed confused for about 5 seconds before realization took over. Erik just smirked at Sam and I, causing me to blush harder. For the rest of breakfast, we all sat silent, no one making eye contact with anyone other than Sam and I, who snickered at each other quietly.

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