💚I don't want to not love you💚

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This story includes mentions Meave, an OC owned by This story was also inspired by conversations we've had about the game.

Really, it's an introspective of Aron's POV at the start of her relationship with Sam. It starts very unhealthy on her end (as one would expect in this circumstance)

I plan to do Sam's POV of this, but since angst is my weak spot in writing, I thought I'd try a perspective I understand a bit more. I hope you enjoy, even if the incubi aren't hugely mentioned here.


Aron sat at the table, her mouth silent and her mind loud. She smiled softly at the incubi as they joked around, feeling a painful squeeze in her chest when her eyes landed on Sam, reminding her of her love for him, and Sam's inability to love her back.

Meave, Aron's sister had mentioned in passing that demons lacked the ability to feel love. They knew passion, they knew lust, but romantic feelings weren't something they felt, or sought out. Marriage was merely a contract, relationships stemmed from convenience, no more and no less.

Maybe that was why Aron felt so stupid. Sam would come to her, they'd kiss with or without energy drain, act like nothing happened for a few days, then it'd start over.

She knew he wasn't using her. Sure, her and her sister had given him and his brothers a home, but they had never taken advantage of that and they were all vocal about their immense gratitude.

Was she even sure that it was love? She'd never loved someone before, not outside of a familiar love. She'd never looked at someone only to feel her heart thump in her chest, reminding herself that her feelings were in fact real.

But what if it was infatuation? Any attention she'd received as a child was for the family company, not counting the times she'd injured herself, her sister using magic to heal her when she was almost past repair. Sam showed her attention and made her feel good, what if she was craving that fulfillment?

Though, when she looked at him, hearing his laugh as he teased Matthew, she could feel her nerves dance over her skin and her heart catch in her throat. She remembered the nausea she felt when he was sad or angry, the way it got worse when she didn't know how to help him... It all reminded her that she was truly in love with him.

She knew the likelihood of him harboring any feelings for her was slim to none, and she'd never ask him too. She was a meer human, a difficult one at that. She always hurts, constantly aching somewhere. Always getting sick and needing someone to check on her. How could she ask someone to love someone so complicated? She couldn't even stand herself, and she'd always thought you had to love yourself first but...she loved him more then she hated herself.

A part of her wanted to forget it all, a small but angry part. Why had she fallen for someone who can't fall just as hard? She'd watched and read the most heartbreaking love stories, but she didn't really understand how badly it would hurt, the palpitations that shot from her chest to her fingers.

Aron wasn't sure she could move on, and a part of her never wanted to. As much as it hurt, it was so beautiful. It wasn't his fault he couldn't love her, why should she punish him by shutting him out? Would he even care?

She decided it didn't matter. She'd stay as long as he wanted her and leave as soon as he didn't. She was his, and she hated how much she loved it. She wasn't worthy of his pure devotion, him even looking at her was a blessing, so she'd do anything to stay with him. As a friend, a lover, it didn't matter. She wanted him to be happy, and if that meant ignoring the burning in her throat, she'd do it happily, over and over.

It wasn't as big of a sacrifice as it sounded. Loving him made her happy, and the thought of not loving him made her feel hollow, an all too familiar feeling she never wanted to feel again. He made her feel like a person, not a trophy, or a broken porcelain doll. He encouraged her, pushed her, made her feel confident in herself. It was only every so often that she found herself blinking back tears and excusing herself to her room, ignoring the pitying look Damien gave her when she smiled softly and quickly ran to her room.

She sat in bed, scrolling through her phone to distract herself. Her face was wet with tears that she couldn't bring herself to fight in the privacy of her room. She stayed like that for a while, and eventually the tears stopped falling. She washed her face in the en suite bathroom and changed into some pajamas before hearing someone knock on the door.

She opened it, revealing Sam who had a concerned expression. "Hey doofus, you alright?"

She felt the tug in her heart, making her smile. "Mhm, wanna come in?"

He grinned, and she thought her knees might give out from underneath her. As much as it hurt, it felt so good. So, she'd let him in, let him unknowingly break her, because when he smiled at her it would become worth it. She loved him, loved loving him, and never wanted to stop loving him.

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