💛Late Night💛

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NSFW ahead!

Tumblr anon request- Can you write about James and Mika going on a late night drive that eventually leads to car sex?🫣

I'm so sorry it took so long; James is so difficult to write for me. I hope I did him justice.


As I laid in bed, I found myself feeling restless. It wasn't uncommon for me to struggle to sleep, but I just couldn't stop moving. Tapping my leg, stretching my arms, rubbing my face. Anything but staying still.

Eventually James, who'd been holding me patiently, spoke up. "Are you alright, Love?"

I sighed and adjusted so we were face to face. In response, he moved an arm under my neck and the other draped over my waist, holding me close. "I can't sleep," I complained, a slight frown on my face.

He hummed, rubbing my side. "Is something on your mind?"

I shook my head. "No, I just have too much energy," I explained.

James thought for a moment before speaking. "Perhaps we could go for a drive," he offered. "It may help with your restlessness."

I smiled and nodded, sitting up. "That sounds nice." I said.

I felt so thankful for him at that moment. He was always so patient with me, always trying to find ways to help me. With little things like chores, and bigger things like my insomnia or worse, a devil who kidnapped me from school. He was so good to me.

When we got in the car, he chose to drive. It was a slightly chilly night, the shorts I was wearing doing little to warm me up, so I brought a jacket. As he drove down the street, his hand rested on my lower thigh.

After a few minutes, I spoke. "Hey James?"

He glanced over. "Yes, Dear?"

"Thank you," I said softly. "For this, and always being so amazing."

He smiled, a soft blush on his features. "You do not need to thank me. In fact, I should be thanking you."

I tilted my head. "For what?"

"Loving me," he answered, his eyes burning with his emotions even as he watched the road. "You are the kindest, most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, let alone loving."

I flushed, smiling more. My eyes traced over every detail of his face, the way the moonlight highlighted his features. He was perfect, everything I could ever want. "I love you, James," I answered softly.

He smiled more, gently squeezing my leg. "And I love you."

Looking at him, the feeling of his hands on me, it sent a wave of desire through me, even without his magic. I smiled, placing my hand on his. "You know..." I started, pulling his hand higher on my leg. The faint pink tint that spread across his face was incredible. "I think I know how to burn some of my energy."

He raised an eyebrow as he moved his hand even higher. "Do you, now?" he asked teasingly, his pinky going under the fabric of my sleep shorts.

I swallowed and nodded, a shiver running down my spine as his hand gently brushed over my core. He smirked, rubbing me through the fabric, too light. My hips thrusted against my will, craving the friction his hands provided. He kept his eyes on the road, seemingly looking for a place to pull over. I felt the unmistakable heat of his enthrallment flush through me, a short moan escaping as the heat coursed through my veins and straight in between my legs.

Finally, he pulled over to a secluded area, pulling me into his lap. His hands left goosebumps in their wake as they trailed down to my hips, kissing me hotly. I found myself rocking my hips against his, feeling his length grow in hardness as he let the seat all the way back.

He groaned, turning us over so I was the one laying on the seat. His eyes flickered gold, his clothes dissipating as he began to pull mine off, starting with unzipping my jacket, kissing the freshly exposed skin of my shoulder as I was left in my tank top. It wasn't long before he took the rest of my clothes off.

His mouth found a sensitive part of my neck, nibbling softly as his fingers rubbed over my folds. "Ah- James," I whimpered.

He groaned quietly, sticking a finger into my center. "You like that?" he teased, his mouth brushing over the shell of my ear.

I shivered and nodded, but it wasn't enough. I needed him. I reached down to his cock and began stroking; the short moan he stifled sent a thrill straight to my core.

Finally, he brushed the tip over my folds and slowly pushed in, so torturously slow. A shiver ran through me as he deliciously filled me up, the emptiness of my arousal being answered. Even so, he moved slowly, millimeter by millimeter, until finally I begged. "More Raestrao, faster-"

At the sound of his true name, he finally slammed into me, drawing more and more loud moans and gasps as he continued to pound into me. He had one arm under my neck to hold his own weight up while the other trailed down to my hip, changing the angle until I was seeing stars.

His own groans and sharp breaths were in my ear as he nipped the shell. "Nnn- you feel so amazing~" he praised, his voice husky and deep.

I couldn't respond with anything but mewls, my nails starting to drag down his shoulders as the heat in my abdomen began to spread. Every part of my body heated up as he continuously thrusted my most sensitive area. I could feel him begin to twitch inside of me as he got louder.

His hand on my hip moved, starting quickly rubbing over my clit. I began to clench around him, my eyebrows knitting as my eyes clamped shut as he whispered in my ear. "Cum for me~"

At his command, my back arched off the seat as I cried out, trembling from the sheer amount of pleasure I felt as the warmth in my body released. It only took a few more thrusts until he spilt into me, his own hands trembling slightly as his enthrallment dropped.

After a few moments to catch our breath, he pulled out with a shiver and propped himself up on one of his arms to look at me, bringing a hand to cup my cheek. "Are you alright?" he asked softly.

I smiled softly, lazily nuzzling into his hand. "I feel great, amazing actually."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead sweetly. "I love you."

I smiled more. "I love you too, James."

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