Chapter 10: To Our Shelter

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Kane inserted the rusty car key into the ignition and turned it to the right. As soon as he pressed the clutch pedal, the rundown car showed signs of starting.

"Hah! Thankfully, it's not stuck again," Kane slapped the car window edge in gratitude for today's willingness to cooperate.

Johan walked with trembling steps from exhaustion, pulling the large, worn-out institution suitcase, which no longer had any wheels, making it difficult for him to drag the object. The suitcase contained new lab equipment to replace the old ones in the shelter, as well as some food supplies.

"This is the largest suitcase, Kane," he said, panting.

"Good, that should be enough."

Kane lifted the one-meter-high suitcase alone onto the passenger seat. Johan sat in the seat next to the driver's seat but was stopped by the car owner from sitting in the driver's seat.

"You drive."

"Oh, okay."

Johan started the car, and its movement was rather slow, causing the driver to become impatient, as if he wanted to push the car with his own muscles. "Kane, is this car always this slow?"

Kane blinked his sore eyes due to pollen exposure during the journey. "Is this its full speed?" He looked at the speedometer to check Johan's speed, but it showed the needle at nearly 100 km/h. "Johan, it seems like the car is showing signs of trouble again."

"Huh? What should we do? How much longer until we get there?"

"There!" Kane pointed to the institution-sized building, which was only 200 meters away. "Let's go there first to pick up the seeds."

Johan skillfully parked the car among other vehicles that looked almost the same as Kane's, and several large-sized tractor vehicles were in the same area.

Kane got out of the car and walked towards the building with noisy factory machines. Someone he knew from his mentoring days approached him, a young researcher placed in the fertilizer and pesticide division.

The person showed the way to the warehouse labeled 'genetic storage,' equipped with a cooler. Once Kane obtained the required plant seeds, he immediately headed back to where the car was parked to continue the journey to the shelter.

Johan resumed his role as the driver, feeling slightly annoyed because the speed of his vehicle kept slowing down. He firmly pressed the clutch pedal while pulling the lever, causing the car to stop suddenly.

With a quick thump, they both fell silent for a moment, thinking about the next steps.

Meanwhile, Kane sat trying to turn the key to the off position and restart the engine. After a few attempts, he decided to give the front of the engine a few light taps. Miraculously, the car started again.

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