🪶Prologue 5 - Various Things in the Rooms🪶

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Ramshackle Dorm

"This place has too much charm" Lilith said looking at ramshackle dorm from outside. For where she was standing, she could see that the dorm looked like it was going to fall down it had boarded windows and it looked like some of the glass on the windows had fallen out. The stone path was covered with dust and the steps was chipped and cracked with weeds coming out of the crack's after not being looked after. The grass was dead and waived and the old trees and dead with cobwebs in then. The gate to the entrances was old and rushed and looked about ready to fall down if someone touched it. "Looks like I have my work cut out for me here" Lilith thought.

"Right, right. Please come inside" Crowley said as he opened the gate that fell off it's hinger under his touch but Crowley didn't care he just carried on walking towards the dorm front door. Lilith followed behind him and entranced the dorm and walked down the hallway to the lounge.

Ramshackle Dorm – Lounge

The lounge itself was a mess pictures that had fallen off the wall or leaning to one side of the walls. Chairs where upside down on the floor and scattered on the floor. The cartins where ripped and glass was missing from the windows and cobwebs where all over the place. The sofas has the springs coming out of them. An old rug was just thrown onto one of the sofas. The wallpaper was coming off the walls and the last thing that Lilith saw was that there was dust all over the place. " Well, I did once say that I like cleaning up, but this is not what I meant" Lilith said under her breath.

"Staying here will at least keep you out of the rain. I'm going back to do more research. Make yourself at home. Don't go wandering around the school! Goodbye!" Crowley said walking to the exist. Lilith walked over to the middle of the room and she closed her eyes to listen to the heavy rain fall. "This kind of rain reminds me of the first day that I became a vampire" Lilith said thinking back to the first time she became a vampire. "Hyiii! It's really coming down" The same voice as the raccoon said. Lilith turned around so see the raccoon in the dorm. And once the raccoon saw Lilith it's face went into shock.

"Hahaha! You've got this stupid look on your face like you have been attacked by a bat" Lilith laughed. "What are you doing here I thought you got kicked out" Lilith said to the raccoon. "I did but I had but I had to sneak back in. Do you really think getting thrown out is going to stop me coming to this school then you have another thing coming" The raccoon said. "Why are you so desperate to get into this school?" Lilith asked the raccoon.

"That's simple! I'm a genius who is destined to be a great magician! I've been waiting for the ebony carriage to come pick me up. But. . . but. . . Hmph! The dark mirror just doesn't have an eye for this. So that's why I came here on my own. Not letting me in would be a loss for the world, humans just don't get it" The raccoon said. Just as the raccoon finished its speech the roof started to leak. "Nyaa! So cold! The roof is leaking! Fgyaa! It keeps coming! My adorable ear fire is gonna go out at this rate" The raccoon said as more water dropping onto its ears. "We have to put something under the water drops for the time being just till I can fix it, so since you're here and not going away why don't you help my find a bucket" Lilith said to the raccoon.

"Why don't you use your magic to fix the leak, unless you ran out of magic Pfft!" The raccoon said laughing at Lilith. "No not ran out of magic just don't use magic to do jobs that can be done by hand and plus magic is not a tool so are you going to help me or what" Lilith said. "Huh? Help you? No waaay! I'm just a regular monster staying in a rainy place. You better get me a can of tuna ready before I do any work for you demon" The raccoon aid to Lilith. "Fine but when I'm done finding that bucket, I'm going to drink you dry or throw you the hell out of this place and let you get soaking wet so that you die of hypothermia" Lilith said walking away from the lounge leaving the raccoon there shocked.

Ramshackle Dorm – Hallway

As Lilith was walking down the messy hallway, she heard a noise knowing that it wasn't the raccoon following her, she stopped and looked around the hallway to see nobody. "Who every is out there better come out so I can see you or you will live to regret it" Lilith said. After a couple of minutes with nobody comes out so she went back to looking for a bucket. She then found the bucket and picked it up and started to walk back down the hallway and as she was walking, she saw three ghosts.

The first ghost that Lilith saw was tall and fin looking, it had a black top hat on with a dark blue piece of silk going around it at the base of the top hat and it also had a dark blue cloak on that was ripped at the bottom. The second ghost that she saw was small and chubby it also had a black top hat on with a blue piece of silk at the back of the top hat and it also had dark blue cloak on that was ripped at the bottom. The third ghost wear exactly the same as the other two it was also small but it was slightly least chubby then the second ghost.

"GHOSTS" Lilith shouted pretending to be scared to play with the ghost. "That made all the ghosts laugh. "We haven't had a guest in so long. . ." The first ghost said. "I'm itching for some action" The second ghost said. "This is going to be fun" Lilith thought. "What with you freaking out . . . Gyaaaaaaa!!!! G-g-g-ghooooooooooootts!!!" The raccoon said when it saw the ghost. "The people living here got scared of us and left" The third ghost said. "We've been looking for more ghost pals. How about you guys? The second ghost asked Lilith and the raccoon. "I'm sorry but as much as I would like that I'm already dead so that won't work" Lilith said.

"Grim the great magician isn't scared of some ghosts!!" The raccoon shout out aiming his fire at the ghost but missed. "Where are you aiming your fire at?" The first ghost asked Grim. "Over here, over here! Heeheehee!" The second ghost said as they all disappeared and reappeared all over the place. "Shoot! Stop disappearing!" The raccoon said shooting more fire at the ghost but still missed. "Are you closing your eyes when your breathing fore?" Lilith asked Grim. "Shut up! Don't try and give me orders" Grim snapped at Lilith. "I'm not giving you orders but if you help me out with the ghosts then I'll talk to the headmaster about letting you stay here" Lilith said to Grim.

"Why would you do that demon?" Grim asked Lilith. "Because I see something in you and for the last time, I am not a demon we are two completely different species" Lilith yelled at Grim. The ghost started to laugh. "Bunch of cowards ganging up on us!" Grim said. "Get them all and I'll talk to the headmaster for you and I'll get cans of tuna" Lilith said. "Then why didn't you say that tell me where the ghost are!" Grim said. "On the left" Lilith said. "Hottttt!!" The first ghost said after Grim hit it with the Fire. "I hit it! Alright, let's chase them all outta here!" Grim said running after the ghosts.

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