🪶Prologue 8 - School Time Refresher!🪶

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Ramshackle dorm – Your room

"Heeheehee. . . Don't you two have to be up to clean the school" Ghost A said appearing out off nowhere. "Unnnn. . . munyaaa. . . Five more minutes. . ." Grim said still trying to sleep. "Laze about too long and you'll never wake up again" Ghost B said also appearing out of nowhere with ghost C. "Just like us! Eee heehee!" Ghost C said laughing. "I don't have that problem" Lilith said now sitting up to look at the ghosts. "Ffgya!? It's those ghosts again! Hey you, wake up!" Grim said to Lilith who was already awake. "I know Grim I can see them to" Lilith said. "Why are they here" Grim said to Lilith. "Well, they was here before us so it's not right to kick them out and plus since me and you are monsters, I don't see the problem with the ghosts here" Lilith said.

"Are you all going to be living here? You're gonna get pranked. Kekeke!" Ghost A said. "Shoot. I'll get rid of you eventually!" Grim said to the ghosts. Lilith stopped paying attention to Grim and the ghosts as she hear footsteps walking down the hallway to the room that she and Grim was staying in she tried to think who the footstep belong to but she didn't know. "Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?" Crowley said entering the room. "I was all sprawled out then I fell out the bottom! Just how did ramshackle did you let this place get? Then the Ghosts woke me up, this is the worst!" Grim said turning to look at Crowley. "Well to be honesty on the off change that a vampire sleeps and me choosing to sleep last night, I still say the bed was nothing more then a few rocks covered in cloth and let's not forget the dorm run down and outdated, I know I'm old but this just takes the cake" Lilith said with straight face.

Crowley didn't take what Lilith said to heart and played it off as a joke. "Even through you got tossed over from another world you can still be cheeky, wonderful!" Crowley said. "I won't take it as a joke I was being far with only saying that" Lilith said back to Crowley. "I came to speak to you about your work for today" Crowley said moving on from what Lilith said. "If that the case lets move this down the lounge" Lilith said getting up and walking to the door and down the hallway and then down the stairs to the lounge with the others following a few seconds behind her.

Ramshackle Dorm – Lounge

"Today, you are to clean the campus. . . But the campus is quite large. Cleaning it all with magic is impossible" Crowley said. "With magic that where you got it wrong I don't clean with magic why waste magic on something that can be done by hand with the same effect and I don't think impossibly is the right word nothing is impossible" Lilith said. "Anyway I'll like you to clean Main Street from the main gate to the Library. Understood" Crowley said looking at Grim mainly. "Understood" Grim said. "Understood" Lilith said. "Please watch Grim closely so he doesn't cause a scene like yesterday" Crowley said. "Understood" Lilith said. "I'm counting on you. You have Permission to have lunch in the school cafeteria. Take care of your work enthusiastically" Crowley said.

"Tsk . . . No way I'm doing any cleaning. I wanna go to class and, bang! boom boom boom! Use a bunch of awesome spells" Grim said. "We can study spells in the library after work" Lilith said. "Mutter. . . Mutter . . ." Grim said whispering something under his breath.

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