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This is a work of fiction. Character, names, places, events, incidents, works, living and non living things that are mentioned in this story are created in the author's imagination.

Any resemblance of actual person, living or dead, or actual places are purely coincidental.

The mentioned province (Ilocos Sur) in this story is a real place but the towns, cities, and other places within it that would be mentioned are all work of fiction.


Author's note: Give this book a shot, it would be so much appreciated.

The story is written in both Filipino and English language.

PS: I don't write pure love story; every story I write always have a bit of madness.

PPS: At the beginning, it's chaotic and might seem nonsense but in the end, everything will be clear and make sense. Trust me.


Sunflower is seen as a sign of hope and warmth, positivity and strength, strong bonds and lasting happiness - always looking for the light.

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